15: 6-12
30: 6-12-18-24
60: 12-24-36-48
90: 12-24-36-48-60-72-84, but I'm not 100% sure on this, anyone ?
150: 15-30-45-60-75-90-105-120-135 but I'm not 100% sure on this, anyone ?
+1 for 150 ft, double for 300 => 10 % increments.
+1 for 90 ft, the 7 increments adding only to 84 ft = 93.3% of the scale.
Therefore, 1 increment is 13.333 %. Must be some old-fashioned thinking in dozens ;)
The various increments in %:
15 ft scale => 40%
30+60 => 20 %
90 => 13.3 %
150 + 300 => 10 %.
@boeling: You miss some of the good things by omitting the 15 and 90 scales.
15 is good for sensible short downhill putts - 30% = 5.8 ft on tournament greens.
90 is a valuable intermediate for those long putts - 40% = 48 ft.