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Re: Changing tiers in the middle of a multi-round tourney

Mon, Apr 1 2013 3:24 PM (2 replies)
  • mjh00
    1 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 12:39 PM

    I assume if you enter a multi-round tourney (say one that has 9 holes each week for a month) and during that month you jump up to a new tier, that you are allowed to complete the tourney under the tier you were at when you originallyentered the tourney. I haven't found an answer to this on any threads.  Does anyone know how this kind of event is handled?  Thanks. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 3:10 PM

    What you say (AFAIK)

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2013 3:24 PM

     You assume correctly. Multi-round & the unlimited tourneys work the same .... if you start as a Pro, you will be considered a Pro for the hole tourney.

     Back in the good old days, that would pose a problem because clubs were tier-specific. If you advanced to Master, you unlocked/bought longer(better) clubs to use from the longer tees. But you couldn't use those "master" clubs in subsequent rounds because you started s a Pro.