The TL R/Go comp on cabo for 1000crs was on the baby tees and low winds....
The same people win all the comps.... but geez, we all can have some fun in friendly conditions..... Or is that not allowed now!!!
Good Post m8, I agree 100%
I was talking about the 'free' stroke comps that run weekly/monthly, but I agree about the RG's, too. I did see the 1000 credit RG on Cabo.. no thanks.. I read where someone just shot a 49 on that? I'm a TL, but an average one.. I've played in some of those high-end RG's, and you have to be lights out just to break even, lol... I shot a 29 in one of those and didn't get my money back.
I keep the RG's at 300 credits or less. Been playing the same ones for a couple months now , although they did just change Whistler from back 9 to front 9.
Seems WGT is only interested in making money at this point, like that ridiculous 'hole-in-one challenge'. Every time I play a par 3 that pops up.. you can invest anywhere from 10 to 100 credits, but you have to hit it inside a FOOT to make your money back. Give me a break with that crap...