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Re: Swing Test

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 7 2013 1:51 PM (2 replies)
  • Russell05
    17 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 7:12 AM

    This may have already been covered somewhere else in the forum. If it was please forgive me.

    Would it be possible to have a swing test page. Just a page that maybe you could go to and have the swing-meter just to swing you clubs. Maybe to do some troubleshooting on your computer to maybe fine something that could be affecting your meter. I know there have been suggestions on a driving range and WGT has said we have the practice mode. This could be a troubleshooting tool. 

    I know i run a backup program that automatically backs up my files. Carbonite when it runs will affect your swing-meter. I pause it when i play and for the most part the jumping meter stops.

    I know that there are several things that can affect you swing-meter on both ends WGT and mine. Every computer is different mine i use Chrome. For the most part my meter is smooth and i have both add on's of flash running even Pepper. 

    Just a suggestion.... I know that i will probably the pounded for bringing the swing-meter up. I am not trying to open up an old can of worms just making a suggestion. 




  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 1:13 PM


    there is no dedicated page for that, but the best I can recommend is to start a round in practice mode and tweak away:)


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2013 1:51 PM

    Hi Russell,

    What may help monitor you PC's processes while playing is a program like Tantri Meter. All it does is show the CPU usage and I put mine to the right of the swing meter. If it peaks, I dont shoot, or hold the swing at the top until it settles dowm. Some browsers also have this built in (Maxthon used to).

    Or you can monitor through your control panel. Some players also use Games Booster or similar - it just monitors your processes and advises non essential processes to be closed.

    I am always surprised at how many processes run in the background, but only some like virus/backup software have a major impact on my meter.
