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Re: A plea to all the techies out there - Major Mouse issues

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Sat, Apr 13 2013 7:52 AM (5 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 1:10 AM

    Not sure if anyone can  , so here it goes.

    My laptop that I play WGT has suddenly developed major problems using a mouse and touchpad. It is an older laptop OS XP, The mouse pointer has a mind of its own - auto scrolling, opening windows, highlighting anything and everything in its path etc - and hitting shots on WGT without clicking (sadly 20 yard drives lol)

    I have run Malaware and virus scans without joy, I have cleaned under the key pad and looked ok.

    I am thinking there is a problem with the touchpad and causing the problem. Could I disable this and soley use a mouse?

    Any ideas will be welcomed


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 3:53 AM

    Get a cat :)



    I am thinking there is a problem with the touchpad and causing the problem. Could I disable this and soley use a mouse?

    Any ideas will be welcomed

    - You can try the same mouse on a different port

    - You can try a different mouse (on any port)

    - If the above don't help you can disable/uninstall the touchpad. Right click "My Computer", choose "Manage", go to the "device manager". Under "Mice and other pointing devices" you find the touchpad. Right click and choose "uninstall" (or rather "disable" if you have that option). You might need to disable it in the BIOS as well.

    Good luck. Driving 20 yards doesn't get you much, does it ?




    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 3:58 AM

    Could I disable this and soley use a mouse?


    Yes, just plug any mouse in and it will begin to work.

    Somewhere in your control panel you will be able to disable the touchpad.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 3:24 PM

    Cheers guys, managed to disable the touchpad and is working fine - could be some dirt under the touchpad, so will dismantle it. Tried 3 other mice to no avail lol Was so frustrating, I seldom quit a game but hitting a 5 yard drive and missing a two foot putt was to put it mildly, frustrating (more so than usual0 VEM in comparison is a doddle!

    btw we have two cats, too lazy help!

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 7:52 AM

    Read this yesterday...on me mobi(cell) cldnt answer!

    I once had a problem with my touch pad(i dont really use it unless im leaning over the lappy) it wldnt scroll.

    I downloaded a program called symantec pointing device driver, from a site called fixed it!

    As you have it fixed no bother!


    Use at your own risk!