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Re: Quitters and Disconnectors

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 29 2013 4:23 PM (8 replies)
    1 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 6:30 AM
    WGT needs to install a penalty system in the game to end this frequent inconsiderate action by impatient members. When you join a game and someone plays poorly, they will disconnect or another player will. So, the remaining players get placed in the 5 minute penalty box. Yes, forfeiting is better but so few will do it
  • Steveqbi
    30 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2013 2:22 AM

    There's other threads on the topic of quitters - try one already there.

  • nomTAJ
    52 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 2:40 PM

    Hi, Wanted to make a new post on the subject of quitters/Disconnectors but there is no button to add a new post anywhere? So i'm adding my post as a reply on the same subject.

    As i play a lot of Blitz games and as my game improves I'm finding I get more and more quitters - Pro level and higher.. These idiots are ruining this game for me! I've played around 200+ Blitz games and NEVER quit or Disconnected once.

    Why does WGT let these people get away with it? apart from the yellow Tick box that appears on their name box, which is no deterrent and I still cant stop them Joining 'my game' .

    The answer is simple - Disconnect 5 times and get a warning. Disconnect 10 times and have your rank lowered by one tier, and so on...

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 9:29 PM

    Hi, Wanted to make a new post on the subject of quitters/Disconnectors but there is no button to add a new post anywhere?

    Every sub-forum > Forums » Product Discussions » Product Suggestions has this at the top Write a New Post

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 9:56 PM

    Newbs don't get the Start a New Post option. After about 15 to 20 posts they get re-assessed.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:18 AM

    The answer is simple - Disconnect 5 times and get a warning. Disconnect 10 times and have your rank lowered by one tier, and so on...
    Many cheaters would appreciate this as a buggy to the front tees...

    ...and which company has ever punished their paying clients and stayed successful?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 1:57 AM

    These idiots are ruining this game for me! I've played around 200+ Blitz games and NEVER quit or Disconnected once.

    Simple advice - play with friends, if they quit they are no longer friends! And never play with an orange tick player - boot or leave as the probability is they will not finish.

    Join a good CC and make more friends.

    Yes it is annoying when someone hits a bad shot and just closes out the game- causing freezes etc for all others.

    But WGT cannot differentiate between someone Xing out and someone with an internet problem, and as Alosso states, what company in there right mind would prevent people from using their product? NONE

    So therefore the  responsibility  rests on your shoulders of whom you play with and whom you should not.


  • JMalec
    123 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 10:13 AM

    A thought to give you some control of the situation is to personally block players who do this to you. Admittedly, this does not prevent the first offense ( or whatever your threshold for blocking is) but it does give you some measure of control against repeat offenders within the current bounds of the game.

    As with all advice, use it with a grain of salt or ignore it, as you see appropriate. But I do understand the concern here.

  • nomTAJ
    52 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 4:23 PM
    Thanks for that advice, think I've been a bit naive about it... I see the problem clearer now, so maybe I'll just play less Blitz games and concentrate on stroke play more. I'm not going to get to higher tiers by playing Blitzs anyway.