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Re: Chipping - it's all wrong!

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Sun, Apr 28 2013 3:23 AM (19 replies)
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  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 11:07 AM


    How do you pitch 8 - 12 yards? I struggle with that one. 

    You need to watch your avatar movement, or paste up a scale to watch your power, using your 64 degree wedge you'll get it dialed in..


    I/e with my 64 wedge and Nike balls (assuming flat surface on green, no wind) full power is one hop to 17 yards (with backspin) 1 av movement down is 13 yards, two movements down is 11 yards.


    If I'm inside 11 (depending where I am in relation to the green) I chip or flop...I rarely use av movements for either, just sorta know here to stop the meter at for close distances.


    Regarding chipping in your earlier post, I always played my PW or SW like a putter when off the green...pretty much the same as if I was putting.


    Never had a real lesson though, just always go out and beat up on the courses;)

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 11:20 AM


    How do you pitch 8 - 12 yards? I struggle with that one. 

    I'd recommend dropping your hybrid and getting a 3rd wedge, a 64° one which will be perfect for that sort of shot.

    My 64° pitches 14 yards with full back spin, give or take a yard depending on whether the green is above or below, green speed, with or against wind and so on.  You'll just have to play pitches from various distances and find out what works best in each situation. 

    Personally I almost never chip unless I'm right on the edge of the fringe, am no more than 7 yards away and have a pretty flat green between me and the hole.  I'd (roughly) say I play pitch 95%, flop 4% and chip 1% of the time.  Others will of course use different shots, I know several players who go for the flop by default.

    Use what works for you and good luck.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 12:26 PM


    How do you pitch 8 - 12 yards? I struggle with that one. 

    Full backspin, adjust for % rough, bang... it's in.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 1:30 PM

    If you chip with a 7 iron or 5 iron this is true. However, if you chip with a wedge is flies further than it rolls. Chip with a SW and it flies 75% of the distance and stops quite quickly.

    I chip with a 7i IRL and the way the chip shot is set up here is just like you say your 5i and 7i are. IMO, it's this way to differentiate between the pitch and chip as the pitch actually acts like what you described as a chip with that SW.

    The Chip and Pitch tips goes into good detail but I think you'll find a 64W pitch with full back spin is insanely easy to learn and chokes quite well. Be careful using that chip as it's like putting and you have to aim accordingly.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 5:09 PM

    I don't use chip or pitch.  I don't necessarily recommend this, it's just how I play. First, I want maximum flight time and minimum roll. That lets out chip. Second, I can throttle back FULL so that it's a reduced pitch. Therefore, I only have to have one set of notes for variations in lie, etc. I do use flop inside of 16 yards.

    Again, strictly personal preference. Your mileage may vary and practice makes better.

  • NibblesMcVaj
    31 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 6:32 PM

    please note there are no similarities with real golf other than ball and clubs, this is a game program with its own distinct and indistinct functions,note that  i'm the worst golfer ive ever seen here and ive played online golf since 98 an outdoorgolf since 80 so pepper that with what ever else an all the others you see an read

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2013 7:05 PM
  • HawkFest
    2 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 8:10 PM


    Look in the game tips section

    As opposed to 'golf tips'

    this is a computer game. It.s not real golf.

    Lol... Then why not show a Marsupilami hitting a mango with its tail, instead of Golfer with a club? Sure it's a computer game, but that's not a good reason for not making a simulation simulate adequately. Nobody expects something to be perfect at version 0.0, which why this forum is entitled « Product Suggestion » isn't it?

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 3:11 AM


    I don't use chip or pitch.  . I do use flop inside of 16 yards.

    Yikes ! That must take some learning !


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 3:23 AM

    I'm the same as Bubbadork. Although I occasionally chip from under 5 yards but only if it's flat.

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