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Re: Reading the Tea Leaves...

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 17 2013 5:12 PM (8 replies)
  • amb1923
    223 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 7:19 PM

    Just read the updated "Upcoming Product Releases" thread above for the next 30-90 days (mid-May - mid-July). No mention of Muirfield or any other HD course. So is that "we can't comment on any more course releases until we actually release them" or "Get used to one HD course per year now"?  Curious what others think...

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 7:34 PM

    My glass is half Full.

    iaaR ( R ) ft

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 10:16 PM

    No mention of Muirfield or any other HD course


    You dont think Merion is a course?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2013 11:02 PM

    "Get used to one HD course per year now"
    This will be Merion.

    Alas, some users hope to see both the US Open and (British) Open courses here. The excuses regarding Lytham last year nourished such hopes, and the "tradition" from 2010, 2011.

    Reading tea leaves, I'm with Amb. A modicum of hope was raised, though, when I heard that RSG was only announced at short notice.

    News in July.

  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 8:12 AM

    Looks like they got rid of uneven lie improvements.  Go figure, if it doesn't make wgt money they don't work on it.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 9:12 AM

    I think the issues with the British Open courses are continuing.  Many of them don't want to be associated with a video game and are playing hardball with prices.  In my mind a good alternative would be to pick up the PGA championship course each year to add to the US Open course.

    I know that for the rest of the world that sounds like a homer call, but I'm just happy to see us get two courses a year and the PGA championship courses are a very different group than the US Open which tends to be a very similar style of course year after year, much like the British Open.  I'm still hoping to get Carnoustie, my favorite Scottish course and maybe Turnberry but I'm not holding my breath.

    Hopefully when they shoot the new courses they will set up 2 or 3 sets of  pins per course, in some cases the pins make it seem like a different course.

    140 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 11:07 AM


    Just read the updated "Upcoming Product Releases" thread above for the next 30-90 days (mid-May - mid-July). No mention of Muirfield or any other HD course. So is that "we can't comment on any more course releases until we actually release them" or "Get used to one HD course per year now"?  Curious what others think...

    As they say, they can only list stuff that they can talk about publicly so just because a particular course isn't listed, it doesn't mean it's not in the pipeline.

  • amb1923
    223 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 1:27 PM


    No mention of Muirfield or any other HD course


    You dont think Merion is a course?

    Sorry - just to clarify, I meant no other HD course besides Merion.

    And I think Merion looks great in the CTTH format; looking forward very much to stroke play on it next month.  I think like most folks on here, I'd love to see more than 1 HD course per year.  We did have something of a precedent in 2010 &∓ 2011 with 2 courses.

    And I'm with TR - I'd be happy with the PGA Champ course.  Or another one from Europe or Australia.  Or someone's local muni for than matter.  I think the HD courses are WGT's bread & butter.  But what they're thinking is a bit inscrutable (hence the title of my post)


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Apr 17 2013 5:12 PM

    In my mind a good alternative would be to pick up the PGA championship course each year to add to the US Open course.

    That could be a good shout. Some really good courses in the PGA like Valhalla.

     I'm still hoping to get Carnoustie, my favorite Scottish course

    I'm planning on going there in the summer for a game with AllyKennedy as he's a member. I'll take some photo's on my iphone and see what wgt can do with