Hey Alosso, don't use words you can't pronounce, lol
noun \äm-ˈni-pə-tən(t)s\
1fan·ta·sy noun \ˈfan-tə-sē, -zē\
Got me!
Though omnipotence seems correct to me, phantasy is a false-false friend, the ph being the former writing in German. As of our new orthography (1), it has an f, too :)
(1) brand new from 1996 LOL
SHRUDE: Rockitch:Doesn't look too suspicious to me. Begins the game as a hack with an average of 37 then is confident as a Pro to enter RGs with an average of 36. methinks he has done this before.
Rockitch:Doesn't look too suspicious to me.
Begins the game as a hack with an average of 37
then is confident as a Pro to enter RGs with an average of 36.
methinks he has done this before.
...and he shoots a brilliant 74.....overall his scoring is kinda inconsistent.
Could surely be true he has done this before, but as far as the scores go, I've seen very much more obvious "too low" scores (Like rows of low 30's for a hack/amateur). As far as I am concerned this as well could be a case of a talented person really going at it.
oneeyedjohn: How in hell does he get to level 71 with 13 ranked rounds. His XP's can only be 10,000 - 15,000 at best.
How in hell does he get to level 71 with 13 ranked rounds.
His XP's can only be 10,000 - 15,000 at best.
Did you not earn XP for the 911 Alt/Shot games you played?
Could do what the 1st poster said and Some.Could easily make Tour Master or even Legend in those 4-5 days
oneeyedjohn:Hey Alosso, don't use words you can't pronounce, lol
Sheesh. Why didn't you say anything about him using a noun to describe a noun.LOL
Try omnipotent fantasies. ;-)
Nah - omnipotence fantasies are fantasies about omnipotence.
Omnipotent fantasies are fantasies which can do about everything :)
And, where have you been since April? lol!