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Re: ~ Non-Product solution to a better game ~

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Sun, Apr 28 2013 6:46 PM (1 replies)
  • Biker15k
    84 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2013 10:42 PM

    If you start a game finish it. if your not winning, suck it up and get better. Nothing pisses a player off then to spend time playing to have someone pick up there ball and go home and quit on you in the middle or close to the end of the game or match. Yea WGT has the reputation involved now, but it does you NO good cause you can't weed them out and choose NOT to invite thm to play. Really why hae it?

    Main thing is just play the dam game, take the Good wth the Bad. i have been on here since 2009 and have never quit a game against a player. I may beat you, you may be me. But i take them win or lose.

    If your a quiter, do me and others a favor and don't even start, it will make the game better.

  • Steveqbi
    30 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 6:46 PM

    I think most quitting is due to wgt - game errors and disconnects that aren't originated by players.

    I get annoyed, and think its rude, when players quit without saying anything.

    I've asked wgt to also make the forfeit button available at all times (not just when its your turn) so people will use it rather than just disconnecting.

    Now I do quit games (well - forfeit actually) for reasons other than what's going on in the game; eg missus says dinners ready during a slow game or  I can't get my kids off the internet and this slows down loading in the game. But I do tell the other players first and I do use the forfeit button.