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Re: kick off

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 15 2013 7:06 AM (8 replies)
  • nick72
    69 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 5:27 AM

    I ame trying agean it not my computer I was playing a round when 1 off the player Q we had 2 restart then the other Q had 2 restart ageain i was playing a good game _2 i wanted to finish so i restarted i was on the tee bax i hit the ball then it said bad conection restart so i did it did the same thing hit the ball it said restare again the 3 time i did it said you shut down 3 time your game is over and i see no red line on my miss spelling may we all have a nice day and gg thank

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 6:08 AM

    no need to worry about the spelling...i think i've deciphered it.

    basically 3 disconnections gets you DQ'd from game. 

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 6:29 AM

    Dang it TBE you are way smarter than me ffs lol.....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:07 AM

    He should still be able to restart and play by himself to finish the round. This sounds like a bug caused by others quitting.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:27 AM


    He should still be able to restart and play by himself to finish the round. This sounds like a bug caused by others quitting.

    It used to but not anymore.  We had basically the same thing happen on Cabo last night.  WGT went off or something, kicked us both out, then tried to get back in 3 times and got the "We're sorry, there has been an error with the game..." message and both got DQ'd, wouldn't let either of us finish the round as individual players.  

    It certainly wasn't our computer or ISP either, we were using skype as we played and it never even flinched, well maybe not a lot, it could have when the choice selection of profanities hit the air  ;-)

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 9:01 AM


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 9:17 AM

      In many of the AS matches, this happens to me to.  What's not fun or fair about it is my team mate and I are almost always winning when this crap happens. It's not my connection, its always my team mate or the opponents that gets disconnected.  Just so unfair!

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 9:43 AM


    Dang it TBE you are way smarter than me ffs lol.....

    I think he may have an enigma machine at home.


    Not Amiga.

  • fancygirl4u
    91 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 7:06 AM

    Twice now wgt has kicked me off a game three times and disqualified me for quitting 3 times. I'm tired of it wgt, so please stop it. Seems this game gets worse the more I play it. I started on the 28th of June and everything was great. Now it is the worst I have ever seen. Now I'm getting color flickering in and out. Is W G T  having server problems from to many people on at one time? Or is this just a blatant attack on me personally?