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Re: WGT........fact!!

Wed, May 1 2013 1:30 PM (18 replies)
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  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 9:20 AM

    Love the term, "winning"......More correctly how much towards offsetting the overall cost!

    I will stick with blowing the flash cash here LOL, just away from the HIO nonsense..........Know where I am spending wise easily ,and takes a reasonable time to spend compared to other vices! 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 9:21 AM

    Love the term, "winning"......More correctly how much towards offsetting the overall cost!

    I prefer to spend any flash cash I have here.  I don't touch the HIO nonsense, and so know where I am spending wise easily.....................Takes an acceptable time to spend compared to other vices to..................

  • snowgoats
    61 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 6:02 AM

    WGT can do what it wants. They can charge 10,000 credits for brush tees or a glove if they feel like it.

    For the sake of intellectual honesty though, let's get rid of the "$" before "career earnings". Maybe we can replace it with a "Cr", or floating smiley face, or a picture of a unicorn humping a bumble bee.


  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 7:06 AM


    show me an online poker game that gives you the option
    to win money without risking money.

    technically you can be very successful here
    without ever spending a dime.

    if you can accumulate some initial funds by watching some crappy ads,
    filling out some dumb surveys, and use it to win RG's,
    you don't need anything else, but there's your catch right there,
    you have to be mighty awesome to win RGs with the broomsticks they call "starters".

    sure you get screwed by deviations in programming,
    but yet you think this doesn't happen playing online poker.
    at least here you lose in singles not thousands.

    I'm one of this game's biggest critics,
    but I'm sorry, comparing it to online poker is just plain dumb.

    and by the way, playing for money is only optional.
    it's still the best free online game out there (once you get some half decent clubs).

    if you like golf, join a country club, play some A/S,
    its fun to network over a nice round, and you can do that as well for creds
    but if you're here to get paid, you're in the wrong place man.

    I agree. Just a clarification. U can play and win a lot of money with poker online, without spending a dime. There are many freerolls daily, from wich to start building a mountain of money, and many public and famous examples of it. U need just to be good at that game, like here in WGT, like everywhere in life. Bye

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 7:45 AM

    or a picture of a unicorn humping a bumble bee.


    I never heard that before. That's a good one!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 7:59 AM

    any more facts you want to share with us lol

  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 8:23 AM

    One of the first things that everyone needs to realize is that WGT is a US based company.  In 2011 online gaming in the US was abolished for real money.  I know there are still ways to get around this for US players but as someone who played Poker via the Full Tilt Poker site, I am happy to say that I got out before the Feds closed them down.

    If WGT were to offer the ability to 'cash out' as you call it they would be viewed as an online gambling site and I'm sure that they don't want to run that risk.   Just the simple betting of credits in games pushes the gaming laws.

    I didn't join WGT to make money, I joined to enjoy my online gaming experience.  I have a large cache of credits and I give away about 50% of them from time to time to worthy folks that I have met or folks that are identified to me.  

    I think that once you get pass the theory of this being a site for you to make money on you will come to the realization that this isn't meant to be a gambling site and never will be.

  • FinalTable
    46 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 1:16 PM

    ^ Best reply yet, nice Traheels.  Professional.  

    Alanti made a very good point by backing up WGT rules.

    "WGT may regulate, modify and/or eliminate WGT Credits at any time at its discretion with no liability to you or to any third party from the exercise of such right."

     Being a current online poker player and having played since 2004, not once did I ever compare WGT or any other online gaming to online poker.  You simply can't.  

    I don't get to cash in my rewards points on my debit card for cash anymore because of news laws in my state.  That happen over a year ago, WGT could be facing the same problem. More than likely it is something out of their hands. 

    If you have a problem with the amount of credits that things cost, then you should make a new post here...

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 1:30 PM

    Here's another FACT:  It's our CHOICE  to either come in here and have fun....or chose NOT to come in here and do somethin else...Please  if u come in here and u play this game...and i do figure Andy has been in here long enough to know u gonna lose more in here tan u win.....and all ur gonna do is find something to gripe about then u need to jus stop coming in here...cause ur making the choice to spend ur moey here...u knew the risk/ why keep punishing yourself by continuing to play?????  i think candyland is just around the corner....

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