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Re: ARE YOU Afraid To Play AS @ 30 Sec TIMER?

Thu, May 2 2013 12:48 PM (53 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 8:29 AM

    WGT in alt shot is a very social game.

    I have no problem with a 30 second clock when you are playing a game without any intent to be social.  However as I mentioned before, there are shots that take me longer than 30 seconds from time to time and why should I be penalized for those shots.  It would make more sense to have a shot bank so that you can dip into the unused time to use the extra seconds when you need it, much as you do in Chess.

    I generally will hit within 15 seconds but wind and other things can also put you back into a longer time line.  

    In terms of real golf, I have quit playing for a while due to a shoulder injury but before I was playing 4 to 5 times a week and yes it was social, we talk about everything from family to politics, to how the cart girl looks.  Most of the WGT players don't want to be anti social, I would suggest if you want to play 30 second games with no interaction, you just stock your friends list with like folks.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 8:52 AM

    Thirty seconds is plenty long for most shots, even with wind calc. Equating it with machismo, however, is just silly.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 5:13 PM



    I really don't know what the big deal is over the 30 second timer? Is this how you prove you're a man around these parts?

    I play quickly but I refuse to be bullied into playing on a 30 second clock. I play the game for enjoyment, not to prove to a group of cyber nobodies I've never met in my life that my d1ck is bigger than theirs. Some of us like to type a bit more than vns in the chat between shots you know.


    +1 well said

    Yes, well said.

    I will leave him to his 30 second timer while I go enjoy my game with nice people that can actually says something in chat while playing, so I won't be bored. If I played 30 second timer all the time, then I might as well not play multi-player with others, because its just as boring that way.



    it mite stop people from talking crap in game

    Then they will come to the forums and make up for it.
    There is still people that set those short timers, and can't keep the game going when they do. I played them before and game is over the first hole, because they take 3 of those 3x30 seconds of time, and leave game. That is one reason I will not play 30 or sometimes it happens on 45 second timers. I will stick with 60 or 90, just to be safe and have a full game played.

    Might as well sit there and let others decline and not have a game, its basically the same if the game is over from someone quitting that can't keep the game going for letting timer run out over and over again.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, May 2 2013 12:48 PM

     Most of the WGT players don't want to be anti social, I would suggest if you want to play 30 second games with no interaction, you just stock your friends list with like folks.

    No no "cornbread" no jab intended (I'll get back to that later) :)  its not I want to play 30 sec games every game! And its in no way i am anti-social! I'll skype to play 30 sec game for in game talk!

    My original post seems to be that players will not enter to play a "friendly game" of AS w/30 sec timer!

     I have noticed in the last month playing AS (join game), w/Legends/Tour Legends in a 60 sec timer, some will take 20+ sec's for their drive! 55 sec's for a 12 ft putt? Playing Andy, Kia, and BB! You tell me whats up with that?  

     Beginning comment to you......who was He?