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Re: Excluded from Weekly Tournaments?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 29 2013 2:17 PM (3 replies)
  • CdnArmy
    57 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 1:19 AM

    I moved up to Legnd last week (which brought about a whole new raft of performance and equipment issues, but . . .) and now I see that this week I am not eligble to play any of the Week 18 tournaments.  Is there some minimum level of experience or participation that I have to achieve as a Legend before I can play the weekly tournaments again?  Help!

    162 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 11:49 AM

    You should not have any problems entering Tournaments. you might simply need a page refresh to fix the problem. If you keep having this issue, please let us know.

  • CdnArmy
    57 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 11:54 AM

    And you're right.  After a couple of hours the tournaments were there.  Maybe it was a time difference issue (I'm in Europe, and i believe WGT is west coast USA).

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 2:17 PM


    And you're right.  After a couple of hours the tournaments were there.  Maybe it was a time difference issue (I'm in Europe, and i believe WGT is west coast USA).

    There is a one hour period when there are no weekly Tourneys. The previous weekly tourneys end at midnight Pacific time(actually 11:59 PM Pacific time) and the new ones are not posted until 1 Am Pacific time. Which is 2 Am and 3 AM for me here in Central U.S.A  time. Just convert this to your time and then you will know when the tourneys end and start.