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Re: Separate stats for Par3 Ranked Rounds

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 7 2013 8:10 PM (9 replies)
  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 1:41 PM

    Please introduce separate stats 4 the par3 ranked rounds.

    Now it's getting a big mess with ridiculous low scores 4 9-hole & 18-hole rounds. Further on the number of HIO's will explode when playing par3 rounds only. Please add a separate stat 4 HIO's in par3 rounds 2, just like the CTTH HIO's.  Or even better, just create a whole new stats category 4 par3 ranked rounds only!

    Cheers, GC

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 9:44 PM

    I agree. Icon used to say that they couldn't have par 3 and par 5 courses because it would mess up the stats. Seems he was wrong.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 11:43 PM

    On Par 5s, there is no HIO challenge. This may make the difference between "impossible partial stat inclusion" like during match play and "possible partial stat inclusion" on Bo3.

    BTW: Shouldn't HIO challenges and partial stats be introduced to A/S and match play, too?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 2:50 AM


    probably won't happen. we were able to make it so no average stats kept, but if you get a hio, then you got a hio. 


  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:20 AM

    Well, I can live with the HIO's, but what's against adding a separate 9-hole & 18-hole par3 best round, so the regular ranked rounds still reflect 'normal' best ranked rounds?

    Cheers, GC

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:35 AM

    This was a business proposal :)

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:47 AM


    what's against adding a separate 9-hole & 18-hole par3 best round, so the regular ranked rounds still reflect 'normal' best ranked rounds?

    I agree.  While it's pretty sweet to look at your stats and see really low scores for best 9 and 18 hole rounds it is a pretty big slap in the face for the few who have hit 49 for 18 holes on a "proper" course.  

    A 49 on a par 72 course is a truly mind blowing round of golf, now anyone can go out and get a lower best score in their stats without deserving it.

  • AntonioBunkeras
    262 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 5:07 AM

    I agree.  While it's pretty sweet to look at your stats and see really low scores for best 9 and 18 hole rounds it is a pretty big slap in the face for the few who have hit 49 for 18 holes on a "proper" course.  

    A 49 on a par 72 course is a truly mind blowing round of golf, now anyone can go out and get a lower best score in their stats without deserving it.

    You can easily see on which course the 49 was scored, just go to the awards section and it's all in there (well at least the full 18 holes). But yes, it can be misleading if you look in the overall stats alone and I'm also in favour of having seperate overall stats for the Par 3 Course.


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 5:49 AM

    On older sims Par 3 course stats were kept seperate as is a no brainer. Come on WGT you didnt foresee that ? ICON did.

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 8:10 PM

    we were able to make it so no average stats kept


    Yet they are reflected in the players stats..  'best 9 hole round, best 18 hole round'

    I dont feel they should be included there if they arent going to be separated!