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Re: Funny Old Place

Tue, Jul 27 2010 8:04 PM (55 replies)
  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 10:37 PM

    All this talk about how poor the swing meter is, talk of macros, and cheats, quitters, haters, some what diminishes the fun we have playing the game, and can't be good for business. Why can't we all just play the game for what it is? The game isn't going to please everyone equally no matter what the conditions, or how it plays. I just wonder if WGT introduced this game prematurely to the public, and it's coming back and biting them in the a$$. There's way to many complaints from new members. The forums are filling-up with complaints more and more on a daily basis. My concern is, why doesn't WGT address these issues in some capacity, where's the leadership, am I wrong for asking?

    10,728 Posts
    Fri, Jul 23 2010 2:34 PM

    This place is awesome, and i would sorely miss it,, But maybe closing for 3 months and remoulding everything into a utility player instead of a flash player would make me happy,If its possible im certainly not educated enough to understand the mechanics involved but if this is possible then, that's the way forward, It would cost them millions i suppose and the recent contract with the USGA means that this would be a impossibility.But what a future the game would have after changing from flash to Utility player,,It would make Zillions,

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Sat, Jul 24 2010 1:44 PM


    ...It would cost them millions i suppose and the recent contract with the USGA means that this would be a impossibility.But what a future the game would have after changing from flash to Utility player,,It would make Zillions,

    And... considering that the game was built with Adobe CS4, polished with Adobe Premiere, and uses Adobe ActiveScript with the Adobe Flash player... I'd also have to agree that a switch to Unity would be highly unlikely.   ; )

    I s'pose we're just stuck with this "Funny Old Place" ... made with Adobe bricks.  : ]

  • KnuckleWoods
    2,527 Posts
    Sat, Jul 24 2010 2:52 PM

    This game has it's many Ups & Downs but over all I have enjoyed playing here very much.  I have met some very wonderful people on this site.  I don't normally have to many issues that occur but last weekend was a total disaster trying to load games & getting into the Country Club .  When I do have issues WGTNIV & WGTALEX have always been of great help for me.  (  Contact  WGTNIV anytime he doesn't like to sleep anyway )                            This has been a very good posting   very informative                                                                  Just remember the next time your having issues this is a  "  Funny Old Place "        :  )


  • jshanko
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 8:27 AM

    Hello priestess,

    The meter problem may not be WGT or your and our problem at all. Adobe flash player has a history of major problems with software and systems. It can be a major problem with crashes and slow play. It's taken me 4mos to get flash games to play right on my new MAC. So who knows..........................Jon

    10,728 Posts
    Tue, Jul 27 2010 8:04 PM

    I think you are 100 percent correct..Its all about your own systems ability to handle the flash players relationship with the game for a sustained period of time,Unfortunately 80 percent of wgt users need Basic help in this department,Like video instructions which can be accessed on utube,I f we can help the situation somewhat then a official wgt geek needs to step in and tell us exactly what steps to take ,Everything has to be very clear and precise otherwise a lot of computers will end up on the scrap heap way before they should be,