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Re: A few questions about Merion......

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 24 2013 8:06 PM (15 replies)
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  • drumstick66
    156 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 1:43 PM


    the same peolalways complain. usallythe quitters which is the case here


    I'm hoping that i'm not being tarred with that brush ? I was merely asking for advice in the hope i can improve my game .When i said i'd quit numerous times , it is only in solo play , NEVER when playing with anyone else .

    As for Oldstir , he seems to only mention the fact that he was unable to reach the 18th fairway with the level 88 R11 , which i'm sure makes it a rather daunting hole .

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 3:43 PM

    When I first started playing the 7th at STA was impossible to reach the fairway, unless one had a tailwind, so I learnt very quickly how to punch a hybrid out of 40-50% rough, with mixed results obviously. But it did teach me how to adapt, and that is what you have to do on all courses.

    There are so many short 4's at Merion, that to complain about one hole being unreachable is a little silly , imho

  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 4:27 PM

    So my other question - is it better to putt by missing the ding or moving the marker ?

    I have better luck moving the ding unless the slope and/or distance is too severe, then I may use a combination of them,

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 5:01 PM

    In fact, my Level 88 282-yards rated R11 9.0 Driver couldn't even get a Starter ball over the rough off the tee box on #18 just because it was into a ¾ 14 Wind. Ridiculous! ;) Which, once again, means that Only the players that can afford the Better balls and adequate Drivers can reach the fairway into a ¾ 14 Wind on #18 and have a 'normal' chance to par, birdie or eagle it. 


    That may be true, but the equipment is available to you..if you wish not to do surveys not to watch videos not to complete offers, or reach into your pocket, then you have to play with what you have.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 5:31 PM

    I was never in the top 10, but many of the players, with highest end equipment, can get on a streak and post a sub 60 round.  I would recommend to practice and practice :)

    Pffft. I remember Iconian's cocky butt publishing the road to qualifying at Oakmont, hole by hole. I remember because it's the only thing I ever printed out from these forums and it got me qualified. LOL

    Memory lane....

    Best line in the thread....  :-D

    "4. Since I am arrogant and consider myself the best thing since sliced bread, I'll break is down for you, hole by hole."

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 8:06 PM

    I can tell you this...when i first tried to play Merion, I was all over the place....after 5 holes I was +6....until last Tuesday...i finally shot even par....and i left at least 6 birds on the front 9 and 5 on the back 9...I learned that you have to stay on the fairway or at least in the short rough. And the greens, yea you gotta pay attention to which ones you can  go for and which ones you need to be careful with.  Personally at first i was intimidated by the lengths and the narrowness of the fairways...but one thing i did was i threw out all the things I learned from the other courses...Merion is an animal in its own right...right now i'm confident I can shoot in the 60' those 50's arent outrageous...just they got a lot steadier nerves than I do right now cause you gotta have nerves of steel to shoot that low...and very good equipment..not that starter crap

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