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Re: This Years Open

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 7 2013 8:53 AM (24 replies)
  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:06 PM

    Mr. Blackbeard, make sure you turn off image preloading, animations such as waves on the water, and shut down any other programs or background processes that are using the CPU or internet heavily. Then your connection won't affect your meter as there's no WGT internet activity during the swing.

  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 5:05 PM


    I'd have loved to see STK's last round...IIRC he was a few strokes behind Tinybo last year..and knew he had some ground to make up.

    It was TheLighterDark. He had posted the 115 already. I can't imagine how STK's nerves were.  LOL.

    His name alone should answer your question.  'StoneColdKiller'.







  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 7:12 AM


     (unless your cutting through trees, it would take huge nuts to do this in the Open Rds)

    Tried it on my first (and so far only) attempt of the quallie. Teed off #10 with a -7, carded a 9 on that hole (3 times trees and 1 creek) and pulled out.

    I drove the green in my first round and thought it was pretty easy. My dwindling golf ball collection now says otherwise.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 8:10 AM





    I'd have loved to see STK's last round...IIRC he was a few strokes behind Tinybo last year..and knew he had some ground to make up.


    It was TheLighterDark. He had posted the 115 already. I can't imagine how STK's nerves were.  LOL.



    His name alone should answer your question.  'StoneColdKiller'.

    It was TLD that had posted a score putting him up on Tinybo last year at 115.   Stoney waited until very late to play his round.  I think I remember him saying that he was afraid of having a heart attack during the round.  I seem to remember him maybe making an eagle somewhere on the back nine to get a little breathing room.  It was a great round under intense pressure and you have to take off you hat to anyone who can pull that off.

    Hope this year is just as exciting.

    In terms of the OP asking that players post their scorecards, I have no idea what that would tell you.  If you just want it for stats then I guess that will give you the few stats that the scorecard shows.  In terms of what is fair, we all know that the wind condition is the same for everyone in terms of the strength of the wind however it is a random wind on each hole, we all know that.  While you might get a wind of 10 mph into you on a hole and I might get a helping wind of 10 mph on the same hole that is just how it works.

    One reason for this is so that you can't advise other people how your shot reacted to the wind that that are going to have on a specific hole and also so that you can't keep playing again and again in qualifying under the exact same wind conditions in terms of direction and strength.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 8:53 AM

    Actually sir you have just spoken the magic words in your last remark.

    Over and over again.