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Re: How to read inclines / declines

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 9 2013 11:48 PM (4 replies)
  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 1:19 AM

    Ok - pretty new around here ..... but really enjoying the game.

    Also - sorry if this has already been covered. I have had a look around and just cant see anything specific to my problem. If I have missed it then you have my apologies!

    I have read some great advice on how to improve my putting and 1 piece of advice that was invaluable is that for every +1 inch of incline you add 1 foot of power to your putt. Similarly, for every -1 inch of decline you reduce the power of your putt by 1 foot (not a hard and fast rule - but a pretty good guide!)

    Anyway - is there a similar rule that I can use for driving / approach shots?

    How do you all judge distacne when there is a 50 / 60 feet decline between where you are hotting from and where the pin is?

    Any and all advice will be gratefully received!

  • Hansy250
    6 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 12:52 PM

    When it comes to putting, it really depends on the green speed. When it comes to correlating the power percentage to the distance to the hole, I've found that it seems as if FAST greens are the most accurate (a 100% putt of a 15ft. meter on a flat FAST green will go about 15ft...while a 100% putt of a 15ft. meter on a flat STANDARD green will only go about 13-ish ft.). Anything slower requires more power, and anything faster requires less. Also, total drop or rise doesn't matter as much as the degree of rise/drop. For instance, a ball going downhill 2 inches over a 20ft. putt is going to react different than a ball going downhill over a 6ft. putt, because the degree of the green is steeper.

    As far as judging distance on tee and iron shots where the level drops a lot of elevation (over 20ft.), I just club down and take my best guess.

    It's really a game of trial and error, and taking mental notes...or taking actual notes if you want to dedicate that much to it.

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 3:51 PM

    To start you off try one yard for 3 foot 

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 8:35 PM

    How do you all judge distacne when there is a 50 / 60 feet decline

    For every 3 feet adjust by 1 yard.

    60ft decline - reduce your hit by 20y

    Also be careful when putting using your rule.

    Some of the flags are FEET up/ down and not INCHES.

  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 11:48 PM

    Thanks for the advice all.

    Will give this a go!