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Re: pin position, wind, etc

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 10 2013 7:51 PM (4 replies)
  • nhjoe
    3 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 8:02 PM

    I can't click on wind ,pin position, and etc... It's doesn't high light for me to  click on

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 11:28 AM

    Hi, if you're talking about the info at the top right of the game screen, those are basically just indicators and are not clickable.  You can only click on (or near) the flag icon there to remove it from the field when making a shot.  -Keith

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 11:38 AM

    The other possibility is you're setting up a game and want to pick how much wind, green speeds and so on.

    If you set the game up as ranked you can't control these, you have to change the game mode to practice.

    It could well be that Keith already answered your question but I thought  you might be talking about this.

  • nhjoe
    3 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 7:49 PM

    Thank You. Appreciate the info...........  Joe

  • nhjoe
    3 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 7:51 PM

    Appreciate the info. Saved me a lot of time........NHJOE