4 e-mails to WGT at this address ( members@worldgolftour.com) and no reply; to these questions''''
#1/ Clicked on buy credits in "wgt recommends" and did BUY credits but still did not say "mission accomplished" ( or words to that effect ), only 25 XP but as I said in the e-mail "they all count going for L88 driver" ( I had JUST reached L87 at that time and now 5000 short of L88 anyway ) It's been THAT long.
#2/ I have played 70+, 10 credit HIO challenges, and I played another whilst clicking the usual and it / they took 100 credits ? Asked for my account to be adjusted but no response,,
#3 y #4 Forgotten it was so long ago
Am I using right address ? How long do these things take ? Does anyone care out there ?