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Re: ball motor...

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 20 2013 1:30 PM (7 replies)
  • dustyla
    2 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 5:49 PM

    I am a new player (1 month) and play for free so far. Of course, my rating is a hack.

    One weird thing I cannot help but notice is that THE BALL HAS A LITTLE MOTOR ON IT. Even when hit with backspin it often reaches the green then accelerates even when traveling uphill. If it wasn't so maddening it would be funny.

    I guess the object is to frustrate the player so much with inconsistent results and lousy scores that they break down and spend money to buy equipment, etc.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 5:53 PM


    I am a new player (1 month) and play for free so far. Of course, my rating is a hack.

    One weird thing I cannot help but notice is that THE BALL HAS A LITTLE MOTOR ON IT. Even when hit with backspin it often reaches the green then accelerates even when traveling uphill. If it wasn't so maddening it would be funny.

    I guess the object is to frustrate the player so much with inconsistent results and lousy scores that they break down and spend money to buy equipment, etc.


    The starter ball you are using offers very little spin.  You may want to look into some balls that offer more spin which will help with stopping the ball on the green.  As you progress in the game and start to get access to better equipment you will see a huge difference in the stopping ability you can get with better clubs and balls.



  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 6:04 PM

    The answer to your question is yes wgt is a for profit company.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 6:13 PM

    Hi Dusty, do not despair as we all have the same reaction with starter clubs and balls, As DB says  a better ball will help, albeit marginally with starters clubs.

    You have only played a few ranked rounds with the most part of your game being CTTH format. If I were you have a few ranked rounds on the front 9 of St Andrews and learn how to run the ball to the hole rather than aiming to land close to the pin (as you know - the ball just motors on).It will also help you learn all sorts of shots.

    In the meantime try and earn some free credits and then you will able to upgrade your clubs, which do make the game easier. Try to use your time playing ranked rounds, work on your game with practice and your scores will improve.

    Also for the record you played a couple of your rounds on Merion - the gradients on the approaches make some greens nearly impossible to stop with good equipment let alone the starters kit.

  • dustyla
    2 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 11:48 AM


    I want to thank each of you who replied to my post with advice.

    I started playing stroke play (as suggested) and I am now having fun with the game.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 12:08 PM

    If you do decide to buy clubs at some time, start with wedges. :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 1:30 PM


    Two of them, short ones, Ping brand or higher :)