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Re: Challenging All TLs!

Sun, May 19 2013 12:42 PM (49 replies)
  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 1:44 PM

    I just looked at this guys stats and i was expecting to see something out of this world the way everyone's been carrying on. To be honest his stats are very similar to that of every other good Legend tier player. Yes he's done it all very quickly but like he said above, the game isn't that hard if you understand the game of golf and golf games. Get off the guys back people. He just wants to test himself against the best. There's nothing wrong with that in my book. If he was still at pro tier after 114 ranked rounds you'd all be calling him a sandbagger.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 9:02 PM

    There's nothing wrong with that in my book. If he was still at pro tier after 114 ranked rounds you'd all be calling him a sandbagger.


    Agree Darren,


    Plus, he's not wanting to play for credits...just wants t play on an even ground.


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 5:30 AM



    goat, btw what is your other screen name you go by?  just wondering.

    I realize the urge to make some snarky anonymous accusation based on nothing more than intuition must be overwhelming, but I'd politely ask you to fight that urge.

    Please think about what you're saying before posting ridiculous crap. I get no advantage at all by being a low level legend. I tee off from the same spot and my equipment is inferior.

    I deal with the same conditions, but I do it with inaccurate irons, short drives, faster meters, and wedges with less spin.

    Where is the upside, Peelcat? This is a challenge to see if the best are really the best, or if they're just good with the best equipment. It's all for fun and not for imaginary profit.

    Ok here's why im almost 100% sure this is your second or third or forth account....just look at where you started your  scoring shot a 37 on your very first game. I might have been here for awhile but i remember when i first started....took me longer than 2 days to make it to went checked a few profiles of players who started around the same time you did..WOW either your the TIGER WOOD of WGT or like the rest of us got bored and started a new player..... 

  • TarheelsRule
    5,613 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 8:44 AM

    This is just another pointless thread.

    If you want to prove yourself against the best players, just enter the ready go's and if you win them, then you have proven yourself.  Asking players to buy lower level clubs just so they can play a non credit match against you is just stupid. 

    If you want to play and beat good players, challenge them in match play credit games and use the equipment that you have and let them use what they have.  If you beat them you can brag if not then shut up.  Many of us grind away to get to higher levels so we can have good equipment that helps us enjoy the game, why would we want to move back to inferior equipment that we haven't used in months, years, etc. just so that you can get an ego boost.

    I don't care if you are a multi account player or not, that is for WGT to fix.  I played Links, Tiger Woods, Golden Tee, etc. and it does help the transition.  A lot of people get their average down with medium level clubs by feasting on STA, Kiawah, and Cabo before they turn Legend. 

    I don't know why people feel the need to call out golfers on the forum and beat their chest about how good they are.  The ready go results and tournament results will tell you that.

  • snowgoats
    61 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 9:59 AM


    This is just another pointless thread...

    If you want to prove yourself against the best players, just enter the ready go's...

    If you want to play and beat good players, challenge them in match play credit games...

    ...if not then shut up.  

    Many of us grind away... 

    why would we want to move back to inferior equipment...

    I don't know why people feel the need to call out golfers...

    Lighten up. I thought it might be fun. Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities.





  • TicaMC03
    36 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 10:01 AM

       AMEN TO THAT.......thats why i never win ready gos.....cause i

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 3:14 PM

    MPC there is always a TL to play. GO PLAY, BYE MULTI.

  • snowgoats
    61 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 9:13 AM

    It's really nice of WGT to moderate these forums so effectively. 

    WGT knows I'm not a cheater, but they're perfectly content to let no fewer than 4 individuals blatantly accuse me with no repercussion. There is nothing I can say or do to defend myself, nor should I have to.

    Instead, I'm supposed to just sit here and let idiots abuse me? Because I had the gall to ask for a game with a good player? 

    Fine, kids. I'll get out of your sandbox. You can claim victory to each other because you chased off someone who wanted to play a game of golf. 



  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 12:21 PM

    I won't call you a cheater, but if you want to play then play heads up for credits. Listening to you go on about how good you are then you call people out to play but you want the game set up to your liking.

    Grab some balls and play someone heads up for credits or move on. When i go play real golf with my buds i don't ask them to go buy my clubs so we can be with what you brought and throw some money in the pot.

    Why the heck would anyone go and buy your clubs to play a game with you.....give your head a shake bud...

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 12:42 PM

    I can't beat gsoup, now that is pathetic. LMAO. He will chew me a new one, I still love him, just had to make a crarzy comment for a change.