Congrats on joining this great game. Yes, the wind can be very strange. One of the things that I do is the look at the wind direction and speed.
If the wind is blowing left to right at 10 mph (not KM) I will adjust the aiming point to the left by about 5 to 10 yds. Most of the time this will work and get me closer to the hole then by not doing anything.
If the wind is blowing straight at me, I will use a longer club and using full strength on the strength meter. With this scenario the wind will slow my ball down and land near to where I would like it to be.
Now, if the wind is blowing away from me, I will use a lower club and less of the strength meter to get the ball to the green. An example is. I have a 173yd shot with a 5mph tailwind. I will shoot with the 5 iron (170 yds) and use less on the strength meter, about 95 97%.
As I have said before most of the time this works, But, some times it does not. The best way to find out is to play several rounds of practice and experiment with this.
Hope that this helps and good luck.
See you on the greens.
John W (JKW1022)