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Re: Tier Increase while logged out?

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 20 2013 9:22 PM (9 replies)
  • GenLucky
    14 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 9:45 AM

    Hi Everyone I am newer player here to WGT been here for just a touch over 100 days now.  Last night I did CC CTTH match and logged off for the night.  I logged on about an hour ago to see if my Tour Master Ready Go's completed so I can re-enter new ones and as soon as I log on it tells me I was promoted to Legend Tier.

    Don't get me wrong I think it is cool to be make it to Legend and all but to be honest I thought per the FAQ that you are promoted instantly after a round completes. Below is from the FAQ.

    "Tiers will be updated as soon as you finish your round. If you played any ranked or tournament rounds and you now qualify for a new tier you will enter that tier immediately upon completion of the round. Please note that scores from the Best of Par 3 stroke play course will not be counted towards your Tier ranking.

    We will add additional tiers as more people join and play at WGT."

    With that said my Average was 61.42 all day yesterday and it is still at 61.42 now. (Not sure what the Avg Score is to Legend as I have been told 60 and 58 by people)  I know that it will be really hard for me to compete at Legend (especially at level 81 with my gear so no more Ready-Go's for me).  I am just curious as to why I got bumped while I was offline and no change in my average occurred or scored round played.

    If anyone can provide some insight into this for me or link to another post (yes I did look but could not find anything) I would appreciate it.  Not wanting to sound like I am complaining about this just trying to get a better understanding of how it works.



  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 10:20 AM

    You say you played a Ready Go & you came on to see how you did. I think that that's what it was. An RG from what I understand does not register the second you have finished the game, but, when the time is up for that tourney. If you shot a round that would put you up to Legend tier it would take that extra time.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 10:23 AM

    My assumption:

    Your conditions were changed when that RG paid out. This win of credits and/or the score incidentally made you Legend.


  • GenLucky
    14 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 10:31 AM

    I thought that at first too but I have been tracking (in excel) my progress in ready goes to see if I was good enough for that level of play where at least I was breaking even credits wise.  After I finished the round my average would adjust immediately.  Not unless it does something odd like consider credits won into a tier promotion?  I would like to think that is not the case as that seems like a poor way to promote a player based on credit winnings.  Not like I have won a lot either I think like 5400 credits total since I started playing (which naturally does not take into account my entry fee's into events either).

    Just seems odd to me is all.

    Thanks on the congrats much appreciated (even though it will be a good month or 2 to enjoy playing on a competitive level.  The top 10 scores in every event I have looked at for legends are better than my best 9 hole score ever LOL).


  • GenLucky
    14 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 10:35 AM

    Hey Hewsey thanks for the response.  Actually I had 2 RG that came in.  They were scores of a 36 and a 31 (neither changed my Avg as of today because they changed my average as soon as I finished the holes.)  Plus with both of these RG's they work out to be a 72 and 62 avg which both are above my avg of 61.42 so I am not sure this is it.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 11:17 AM

    Not unless it does something odd like consider credits won into a tier promotion?

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 12:21 PM


    Hey Hewsey thanks for the response.  Actually I had 2 RG that came in.  They were scores of a 36 and a 31 (neither changed my Avg as of today because they changed my average as soon as I finished the holes.)  Plus with both of these RG's they work out to be a 72 and 62 avg which both are above my avg of 61.42 so I am not sure this is it.



    They've already answered your question and they are right.

    I was in the exact same situation (who knows when..on lvl 79 or something) when I played a TM RG, scored 61, average went down but only after the RG was finished and the cr's were won, I got moved up to Legend (hell I got moved up while I was playing a matchplay, lol :) )

    So yes, the average first goes down, but only effects tier after the RG has been paid out officially.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 1:23 PM

    So yes, the average first goes down, but only effects tier after the RG has been paid out officially.
    So no, it's two events.

    1) average goes down due to score.

    2) average/tier changes due to credit win.

    New information for me is that 1) comes immediately.

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 3:24 PM


    So yes, the average first goes down, but only effects tier after the RG has been paid out officially.
    So no, it's two events.

    1) average goes down due to score.

    2) average/tier changes due to credit win.

    New information for me is that 1) comes immediately.

    As 2) would be new information for me aswell, do you happen to have a source for that?

    Though it doesn't actually matter once making Legend, I assume, lol.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 9:22 PM

    It may have been Oct '12 when WGTIcon announced some anti-sandbagging changes in the tiering system, and it has been reported a few times since then.

    As usual, WGT doesn't provide details, and I don't know more than rumour stating that

    - winning credits in stroke play circumvents the minimum rounds number,

    - winning credits in stroke play accelerates the tier-up process,

    besides the fact that I experienced

    - winning single matches against higher tiers reduces the average considerably.

    This is not valid for Legends and TLs.