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Re: How many and how much?

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 27 2013 1:28 PM (4 replies)
  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 3:46 AM

    I suspect I am like 98% of the players on here.

    Stumbled across the game and started hacking around. Swore blind that I would never spend a cent and would just enjoy it for what it is.

    Really enjoyed myself.

    Inched up a tier or two.

    Needed new clubs, so I watchd as many videos per day as there were, saved up my credits and bought at the cheap end of the market.

    Moved up another tier.

    Really enjoyed myself.

    NOW - I want to get even better.

    So my questoin is, do I need to open up the wallet?

    Are there may here (at TP or above) still managing on the starter clubs?

    How much do I realistically need to spend - I dont want to buy new clubs every week! I would raher spend now and then get back to just enjoying the game!

    Help, pointers, input and guidance all very welcome!



  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 10:49 AM

    From what I've seen the starter gear runs out of gas at about the TP-Master Tier. That's if you wish to be competitive and play in Tourneys or play Match Play challenge for credits. If you only want to have fun and take advantage of this free game, you can play in practice mode from any tee box and green speed you desire.

    As to how much to spend for your tier and level, I look at it the same way as racing. How fast do you want to go and how much money do you have to spend? You can buy up to your Level and always have the best stuff but if you're only interested in fun, you may be wasting your money. How much you put out is a decision only you can make.



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 11:02 AM

    I have been able to get the best clubs and decent balls without ever spending any money.Check out free offers,surveys, trials, downloads, ads and the carousel, takes time but worth the effort.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 11:08 AM

    +1 Cerino: With practice rounds, all gear is good, plus you won't tier up (without ranked scores).

    @VG: For general play, I'd say you have sufficient equipment for your level 43 as a 71.6 ave. TP. More&better will be necessary at the Master tier, when the tees move back. 67 average is the key to this achievement.

    Some good and long-lasting clubs will be available at level 59 (88,500 XPs): The G20 set. They are long, high(!) and have a relatively slow meter, playable with budget balls. Next stop might be the better G20s at level 83.

    Thus, if you manage to balance your advancement in average and credits, you may change both at a time.

    Then, only replacements for your two Snake wedges may be necessary, perhaps the level 40ish Pings.

  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 1:28 PM

    Thanks all. I really appreciate the advice!

    Maybe see you around on the course for a game some time soon!
