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Re: Surveys - no registration

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 1 2013 9:11 PM (5 replies)
  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 12:16 AM

    Why WHY Why ??  Please. you have survey companies some work and some are absolutely terrible ! i don't know why you have to register for a one time thing.please urge your suppliers to eliminate registration as a means to gain access to your information.phishing season should be closed !! it's up to you to become a leader in your own industry !!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 1:01 AM

    I don't understand. Where do you need to register?

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, Jun 1 2013 3:34 PM


    earn Credits!

    Your responses to Harris Poll Online questions can make a difference! Enter now!

    Credits awarded when you complete valid registration and a survey.


    i hope that this was transferreded well it clearly states valid registration required. maybe not in your country but definitely happening here !!

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Jun 1 2013 4:31 PM

    Harris Poll Online is a survey service ... best to stay away.

    Here is an Business Review

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, Jun 1 2013 8:50 PM

    thank you. this was the first example that i found - there are many more as you know, good to know to stay away from them though.

  • AGibbs1
    53 Posts
    Sat, Jun 1 2013 9:11 PM

    Just went through a survey from TrialPay through a company with "Ampario", answered a lengthy "Pre-questionare" just to get to the "actual" survey to be shown the door.




    Why WHY Why ??  Please. you have survey companies some work and some are absolutely terrible ! i don't know why you have to register for a one time thing.please urge your suppliers to eliminate registration as a means to gain access to your information.phishing season should be closed !! it's up to you to become a leader in your own industry !!