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Re: Experience

Mon, Jul 26 2010 3:27 PM (16 replies)
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  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 9:14 PM

    BTW... how many trips to REAL golf courses has TWO given away??


    And don't forget, it's free at WGT for anyone to play and take a chance to win these great, real prizes.  : )

    Just sayin'

  • UKCats
    165 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 9:26 PM

    EA sports has a ton of money. To be honest they should de better. With the money they make from Fifa, NCAA, and Madden they should have graphics like the ones on here. EA has monopolies on soccer, and football. They put out incomplete games. Many are not happy with the NCAA Football games. They ignore their problems. Madden is unplayable for me now. So is Tiger Woods. There is a 17 page thread on the NCAA Football 11 thread complaining about progression issues. Not one mod has replied. Here a mod will reply very shortly WGT may not be able to complete with EA on money but the quality of the games WGT has EA beat when compared to Tiger Woods.

  • austinpowers2001
    34 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 5:28 AM

    Avatar, but isn't that for just the people that win the CTTH's??? If so it's mostly all masters.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 7:13 AM


    Avatar, but isn't that for just the people that win the CTTH's??? If so it's mostly all masters.

     There are many Pros in the upper tier ,  that have just by the grace of gawd not made master , that win tourneys with rediculas numbers too.

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 7:24 AM

    I think if WGT published a complete list of ALL prize winners (both sweeps and skill based), alot of people here would be surprised, both at the amount of winners, but also who they were (hint, they are not all Masters)

  • borntobesting
    9,755 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 9:10 AM


    Avatar, but isn't that for just the people that win the CTTH's??? If so it's mostly all masters.

    The CTTH prizes are random drawings so anyone from hack to master can win.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Jul 26 2010 3:27 PM


    Avatar, but isn't that for just the people that win the CTTH's??? If so it's mostly all masters.

    No and no, but things have changed a little from last year.  I'm sure a few pros went to pinehurst, as well as random winners.  Last year I went to TPC Scottsdale with the winner of the Pro tier for the "Play with Parker" tournament.  Not to mention all the Amazon and Golfsmith gift cards that are available every month.  Unfortunately having prizes like this in the Pro tier promotes sandbagging to the extreme... but what can you do??  No prizes for pros = elitist atmosphere... big prizes for pros = sandbagging.  You make the call.



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