Hi, I was looking at your stats and history and your driving does not seem to be the limiting factor for the (pro) tier your are in.
At this point, I would consider instead upgrading your wedges and perhaps even replacing your hybrid with and extra wedge to improve your short game. Everyone has their preferences, but I have long since ditched my hybrid for an extra wedge... and use the wood club to punch myself out of the rough towards the green (after punching myself for driving into the rough in the first place!).
3 good wedges will give you a much better array of choices when trying to get on the green and closer to the cup.
You will indeed be out of play with your driver in the US virtual US Open qualifier, which I see you have attempted a few times. If this is your reason to upgrade, so be it and more power to you! But this tournament, although tempting, would not be my first choice to enter(at your level). Yes, it is open to all tiers but the tees are of legend/championship length and to reach them requires a serious equipment upgrade. And the green speeds, severe breaks and flag positions are challenging to say the least. Maybe perhaps you'll have more fun and be more competitive in tourneys at your tier level?
Anyway. Enough about me and my wordy, unsolicited advice.
To answer your two questions:
"what failsafe driver do I need"?
How about the level 48+ TaylorMade R1? Very pricey. But you will not need anything else for a while. I consider it "failsafe". Lots of hemming and hawing in the forums from upper tier players about making this type of performance available to the lower level players on the shorter tees. I personally was delighted, and still use it as legend, although I just "graduated" recently and have not tried all the legend tees yet.
"any strats for getting points quicker?"
It's always a choice about how one values one's time, isn't it?
1. Obviously the fastest way is simply to purchase credits. The notion of not being able to afford it is relative i.e. what your are willing to give up (e.g. other things you pay for to have fun... or survive ha ha), or what do you consider a rip-off for enjoying a virtual golf game that sets a threshold for you.
2. Surveys. I have not had much luck with surveys. Due to my incompetence or that of others I maybe earned credits on half the surveys I (thought I) completed. And frankly I just don't want to waste more time chasing down what I or others did wrong, or entering more surveys for that matter. Mind you there are lots of others here who are very good at this and can give you lots of tips to improve your survey/ad watching experience.
3. Do well in tournaments. Some have done incredibly well in this department and have more credits than they know what to do with. On the other hand they are also the type that might play 3 or 4 18 hole ready go tourneys in a morning :) So... how much tenacity and time do you have to compete with the best? The curve drops very steeply here, most mortals can't really support the habit (new balls, equip. upgrades) via tournament winnings alone, yours truly included.
Best of luck in your journey, and most importantly... Enjoy! -Keith