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Re: How Do I Delete My Account on WGT

Tue, Jun 23 2020 9:53 PM (38 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 9:25 AM


    How do I cancel my wgt account (manobianco8250)

    Hi, You will need to contact customer service to close your account. 

  • JStricklin5
    9 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 12:10 PM

    question how do you improve putt meter so when its fast,very fast ,toury it shows the different amout of power to hit the ball in the hole


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 7:05 AM


    question how do you improve putt meter so when its fast,very fast ,toury it shows the different amout of power to hit the ball in the hole

    You can't, you'll just have to learn how to play the different speeds.

    There are formulas for the different speeds in the forum, use the search feature.

    Here's one to get you started.


  • CFoley6
    19 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 9:59 AM

    Pretty hard to get better when the consistency of the game is like a *** sandwich. You could hit 20 of the exact same shots and none will be the same. Game has gotten really shitty since they so called updated a few months ago. Putting is like a guessing gm now

    I know i will not be reload my account ever again

  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Sat, Dec 3 2016 5:57 PM

    Game play is still pretty consistent and putting comes and goes. No two shots will finish in exactly the same place. Kind of a lot like golf.

  • BroncoRod
    411 Posts
    Tue, Mar 21 2017 9:45 PM

    If it isnt true, then why did WGT delete the Youtube video and say 

    "wgt cheate..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by World Golf Tour (WGT).


    Weak ass POS's

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Mar 21 2017 11:11 PM

    Hi Bonco seem to have a penchant for searching out old posts.......all since you have left the game.

    I have no idea what you saw or copied, but cheating and breach of copyright are 2 completely different things.

    From the snippet you posted, it is obvious that someone was using the WGT brand to make money (or trying too) and that needless to say is a clear breach of copyright law.

    More often than not, players who complain about 2 shots never having the same results are not golfers or they have not spent the time actually learning the game.

    So either learn the game, or play for fun as you claim you do.......I actually like your posts, they are a source of amusement.

    If you hate the game/company that much, gift your friends balls or equipment. r is playing up

  • BillPaxton69
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2020 9:53 PM


    You may cancel any account registered to you at any time by following the instructions on