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Re: My honest comparison of WGT and Tiger Woods

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Mon, Jul 15 2013 6:57 AM (6 replies)
  • UKCats
    165 Posts
    Thu, Jul 29 2010 12:28 AM

    Courses- If quantity it TW. Quality its WGT. To me I would favor WGT in this by just a hair. WGT courses are great but there are only 4 we can play. Tiger Woods courses are much lower quality but many more of them. Edge still to WGT.

    Gameplay-WGT in a landslide. Tiger Woods games look like they are still being developed in 1999. Look at a Madden or NCAA Football game. The graphics are great. The TW guys don't put the effort into the gameplay. Putting is much better on WGT. Putting averages reflect more real life averages.

    Community- WGT. The forums are more active on WGT in my opinion. Plus -28 at TW is 50845th place. Most WGT players are kind and respectful. Also, the mods. I may not agree with what they say, but at least they say something. They assure me they care. Over at EA Sports, there is a 20 page thread about a big issue in this years NCAA Football game. Not one mod has posted on that thread. Most likely the same on the TW series. Same company. It makes assuring to know that my suggestion is noted. Doesn't need to be put into play, just noticed.

    Clubs- Edge goes to TW. They have more clubs. Cobras are something I would love to have here. Also, they have name brand golf balls. The effect of the clubs is great here but would still like the selection at Tiger Woods.

    I did not buy the Tiger Woods game this year because I have more fun playing on WGT. I used to buy the TW games for the 360 but those days are over thanks to WGT. I really enjoy playing this game. Keep up the work WGT.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 29 2010 5:39 AM

    Cat's, that certainly is the most practical comparison I've read to date. TWO is, and always will be a cartoon fantasy golf game. is still the best online golf game ever created for play on a PC. IMO.

    Plus -28 at TW is 50845th place.

    That's the one most realistic thing at WGT, not everyone is shooting a 57 in 18 holes. Not even 5000 people are shooting a score like that here it seems.

  • MVigil
    4 Posts
    Thu, Jul 29 2010 8:40 AM

    You're right. I would love to be able to play Cobra's on here as well :D

  • jasondement
    322 Posts
    Thu, Jul 29 2010 8:29 PM


    You're right. I would love to be able to play Cobra's on here as well :D

    I also wonder if Callaway, or any other name brand clubs will be introduced. Also would like to see some pro-v 1 and other name brand balls introduced.

  • Sirch70
    11 Posts
    Tue, Aug 3 2010 12:22 PM

    I just came here to WGT from Tiger Woods Online a week ago. This game is much more of a challenge. It took me 3 months to reach champion pro level 45 in TG. I've been here a week and just today reached Ametuer 96.

    The biggest complaint I had with TG is the constant delays, freezups and things like very long downloads. I have yet to experience ANY of that here. WGT keep up the good work, and maybe all those goodies will be added in the future. First thing I learned here after spending money for the best clubs and such, was that I'm not good enough to use them here yet. I changed back to all WGT starters and my game is now taking off. To me that is realiitc and the way t should be. I have been reading all I can in these forums. My biggest problem is learning the swing meter and its settings and figuring out the clicks on my putters backswing for the different scales. Also I like the fact that this retired guy can now put that $10 monthly fee away for some casino play LOL.

    Thanks to all the help, your a great bunch of players, lets hit em straight and have fun!

  • torch2k
    18 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 9:04 PM

    Love that $10/mo bit.  Have paid for club upgrades here, but only once I thought it was worth it.  (Used starters until I got to Pro, then bought my current set))

    Also, it only 3 months to reach Champion level on TWO?  Wow!  My experiences here been similar to yours.  Using starter clubs, advanced rather quickly through Hack and Amateur to Pro, and am now in the process of WORKING through the next steps.  Seems more realistic to me.

    As for the swing meter, the difference for me between TWO and WGT is the difference between a perfectly grooved swing and a perfectly timed swing release.  TrueSwing may seem more realistic to some, but it's so much easier to mechanically cheat by constructing guides for one's mouse..  I equate the timing here at WGT to how quickly I get my hands through the ball.  It's a different aspect of my RL swing, and just as frustrating at times, but it's much harder to cheat, and I feel my success is much more about skill.

    Welcome aboard from another relative newbie.


    - Jeff

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 6:57 AM

    While, WGT was down for maintenance this moring, i decided to check out TWO to pass time.  THANK GOD WE HAVE WGT!. If that is the competition, wgt has the monopoly!

    I decided to play st andrews, what a total load of bull5hit.  Extremely slow loading times, the gameplay was what i would expect from my old commodore 64 back in the day & the graphics matched, the trugolf courses here are super HD compared to them.  (i saw better graphics on the first nintendo), and there's no comparison playing St.Andrews here and TWO.  Its an embarrassment comparing WGT to it.  No way am i ever going to complain about WGT after seeing the other golf game that is available.  WGT is amazing, and seeing as TWO is backed by EA (loads o money!!!) i dont know how worse of a game you could come up with. "true swing" my a55, with a 3 second delay after you press, i call it "badswing".

    If you ever want to moan about WGT again, go over to TWO, and it will totally make you change your mind about here!