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Re: Lost Chips Weed

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Sun, Jun 16 2013 8:56 PM (4 replies)
  • RickR41
    17 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 9:18 PM

    how come every once in a while on a chip shot the ball only goes 2 yards, no matter how hard you hit it? It happened twice, back to back in the same spot. Costing me 2 extra strokes. I hit the ball in different positions, and the second shot harder than the first with no change. I call bs.

    Also, how does a person with decent vision lose a ball in weeds? If I were that blind I wouldn't be playing golf. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 11:04 PM


    how come every once in a while on a chip shot the ball only goes 2 yards, no matter how hard you hit it? It happened twice, back to back in the same spot. Costing me 2 extra strokes. I hit the ball in different positions, and the second shot harder than the first with no change. I call bs.

    Also, how does a person with decent vision lose a ball in weeds? If I were that blind I wouldn't be playing golf. 

    Very few weeds you can chip or pitch from...most demand a punch or full shot.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2013 12:45 AM

    Be careful to land a chip on fringe or green, it will get stuck in higher ground.

    Imagine that it flies only 20% of the length, allow an extra for rough %%.

    In consequence, don't chip from rough, use punch or full shots instead.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2013 6:43 PM


    Be careful to land a chip on fringe or green, it will get stuck in higher ground.

    Imagine that it flies only 20% of the length, allow an extra for rough %%.

    In consequence, don't chip from rough, use punch or full shots instead.

    ... or pitch, or flop, lol. Just stay away from chips unless that 20-30% of carry you'll get will make it to fringe or green.



  • gil45
    60 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2013 8:56 PM

    never chio if your more than two yards off the green use pitch or punch or flop depending on the %ed of the rough