WigerToods2010:2nd guess.... errrmmm Jimmy Connors?
Talk about f*ckin irony...correct...1st top player to embrace Ali racket and his a JP Macs obvious hatred at that time for each other was palpable...
You'll forgive me for not sending a sleeve...
I forgive... can you?
Invite me, Andrew... whup me a$... better than that hospital/prison guff, no?
Yeah..learnt to do that after I hit 28 yrs..spent enough times in both of those institutions before that and got the scars and dentures to prove to me that trying to steamroller through life wasn't a winning tactic..
We'll let it rest now but I gotta say I haven't felt that red mist that strongly for years...certainly got the blood pumping :) I can smile now...
Just reread posts..no punctuation..just typing in a frenzy..Mad, good to know it's still in me though...I feel young again :))
Hit well out there.
And for your delectation I uploaded a recent photo ( 2 mins ago, 16.18 CET)......Is this what it's about ? The wardrobe's too big man......head toward the credenza and scoot left?
I need a haircut :)))