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Re: Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 10:42 AM


    I told you Jim...I win the bet....told you any one with an EGO that inflated has to have the last word...Pay up.....


    rm, hi there,

    Hasn't the above post  just lost your bet?

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 10:54 AM

    Whichever of you has the healthier, more normalized, ego... just don't respond.  Then this'll be over.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 1:52 PM

    Dang!  I'm proud of you guys!  We'll never know which has the healthier ego.

    (Don't answer)

  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 2:35 PM

    the last word..
    the last are on the wrong post,who has the last word is in the 19th hole,Keep calm and carry on :)

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:31 AM



    I told you Jim...I win the bet....told you any one with an EGO that inflated has to have the last word...Pay up.....


    rm, hi there,

    Hasn't the above post  just lost your bet?





  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 6:21 AM

    rmchangin just msg'd me to say he has the healthy ego and could i please let everyone know that.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 6:27 AM

  • boressie
    45 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 10:15 AM


    I know the story. It always makes me laugh. I'm a player often accused of cheating. I will not deny that I have excellent records in matchplay; Instead of refusing to challenge me, some are trying to play and when they realize their "mistake", they call me a cheater. It's very annoying to play against someone who does not accept defeat. I played over 1,200 challenges against the legends, I lost over 300. I know that I lost because of my game, and just because of that. It is true that I dont accept losing (those who met me know that) but I manage that next time I ll crush the guy who beat me. And it often happens. LOL

  • RadioactiveRebel
    36 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM

    I will often take some time with holding my backswing. Why? Because I don't use a bought meter or one taped to my monitor. So when using my 25 foot meter on a 14 foot putt I'll pull back to halfway and say "That's 12.5 feet" Then I'll go to 3/4 pull back and tell myself "That's about 19, so halfway between them will be 3 feet, back off just a tad more to get closer to 15, and then a tad more for the green speed. Oops, that was a bit too much, now add just a little back....okay, that looks good. Swing!"

    Why not just use the 15 foot meter with a little off or let roll a foot past if miss? because the 25 foot meter will travel less meter distance and actually be a bit slower to hit my ding. I know some have said "The meter speeds up as it gets closer to the ding bar," and it does. The further you pull back, the faster it will be moving when gets to the ding bar. So if you take the time to figure with a higher distance meter you can slow the meter just a bit.

    I do this with almost every putt and wedge shot to green to some degree. If there is a drop or rise to the hole I'll have already calculated in the shot distance I need. I'll also have looked to see if that "0" hole has blue or red squared touching it and even do a loop around the hole to see if any nearby changes on the ones that say there is a rise or drop. On one hole it was 1" down, but I checked and found that halfway to hole it was 2" down, so I knew I had a 2" dip then a 1" climb

    Even with all this, my total time looking at a shot is rarely over 45 seconds for even the most complicated putt, but also rarely under 15 seconds for anything more than 5 feet from the hole and I've only been playing for about 3 weeks. One thing I have started doing is ignoring the medium to slow moving dots on putts under 3 foot and using force to make it go mixed results. I've rimmed a few, actually dipped into and out the other side of one and couple times missed the hole completly and had sail past a couple yards. But most of the time it has worked, especially if I hit the ding, and my shot is over in 5 seconds from start of timer.