At my 60th year I'm finding that the font and sizes of indicators on my computer are wee bit small even when I have the screen magnified at 150% and have on my special cooking/computer distance glasses. Has anyone thought about extra large visual aids for those of us on the Senior Tour? I am not going to buy a large screen tv to replace my wide screen monitor!
Also, has anyone thought to take the meter speeds of my driver/irons/wedges, average them and offer me that meter speed as part of my club purchases. After all, it's a small math equation and if you can set one speed for a club, then you ought to be able to set one speed for all of them in my bag.
I would continue on with my other suggestions that would help with my handicaps-but it's time for my nap.
And, as I gather from some of the threads most us experience some form of meter stutter. As