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Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:56 AM (25 replies)
  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:09 AM

    Same here Gerald... chrome and pepperflash...


  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:17 AM


    Same here Gerald... chrome and pepperflash...


    Lol, i just shot 29 Don with no aim cursor, lol. Not bad huh? Miss ding and hope lol. Hope at least i get my entry fee back lol. Should hope they get this sort very soon. If not i am done here for sure. Can't compete without a meter, no love.

    I have tried all browser and none have smooth meter except chrome with pepper flash, that is it.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:35 AM


    And as time flies by wpgZL0HNAV9jdBUOj E.htp 


    Nice ass though.... u sure you had your top on ?



    Btw. My comodo dragon portable performs outstanding. No meter issues, no black boxes.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 7:38 AM


    hi everyone,

    We are aware of the issue and are working on fixing it. I think it's a rogue ad that is just not going away.

    thanks for understanding:(


    See what happens , when you dont screen your ads ? Keep on letting your 3rd parties have unchecked access to your site . Its going to be just a matter of time before the viruses , and the hackers take over .This is a start .


  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:43 AM

    If you use Chrome or Firefox, it's not too hard to remove the box manually.

    1. Right-click the box and choose "Inspect element". This should bring up a view at the bottom of the screen of the HTML code.
    2. The offending ad is in an <iframe> tag. Start at the highlighted bit of code and scroll upwards until you find an <iframe>.
    3. Right-click the <iframe> tag and select "Delete node". This should remove the black box.

    I did this once and the ad hasn't been back.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:56 AM

    Maxthon advertises a built-in adblocker, but people in the Maxthon forums are displeased with it because it basically black or white lists only and doesn't block all ads when turned on.