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Re: Can't upload profile pic.

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 28 2013 1:22 PM (2 replies)
  • JRay6
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:28 AM

    Pic won't upload.Everything goes fine until I hit the upload button,and nothing happens.I was told if you're logged in through Facebook,it may not upload,and to log directly in.I've always just logged in through face book,and have no idea what my password is for WGT. Any suggestions?

  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:48 AM


    Pic won't upload.Everything goes fine until I hit the upload button,and nothing happens.I was told if you're logged in through Facebook,it may not upload,and to log directly in.I've always just logged in through face book,and have no idea what my password is for WGT. Any suggestions?



    Pic won't upload.Everything goes fine until I hit the upload button,and nothing happens.I was told if you're logged in through Facebook,it may not upload,and to log directly in.I've always just logged in through face book,and have no idea what my password is for WGT. Any suggestions?

    I does not work thru Fcaebook ,need to update on WGT Profile in order to upload pic .But if u don't know the password click forgot password and follows the steps .If this helps 

      Also when you r your profile click on apearence from there can upload PIC

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 1:22 PM

    have no idea what my password is for WGT. Any suggestions?


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