Firstly with regard to the VUS Open Qualifiers, yes it is possible to shoot low scores (not by me lol) as these players have played thousands of rounds, learnt the game inside out and have the best equipment.
However sadly there are others, sometimes very good players who decide to rort the system and will start again and cream the genuine lower tiered players. To say very talented is giving them the benefit of doubt.
When I started I saw unbelievable scores and had my doubts but as time progresses and you learn the game more, it is possible to score very low - in my case very occasionally but I have shot a couple of 54s. But what annoys me, and puts the genuine players like you off, are the restarters/multi accounters and effectively rob you of chances in the free tournaments. For that reason I would also recommend to stay clear of credit games as the waters are shark infested.
All you can do is do your best, learn the game better (and you are doing fine) and enjoy the game, The newish policy catches up with those rorting the system until sadly, the cycle starts again.
If you ever want a hit and I am on, hit me up for a game and I am happy to give any advice I can give.