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Re: Point of No Return

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 4 2013 5:59 AM (7 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 11:29 PM

    Well it appears I have reached the point of no return - saturation point at Legend. After a few scores that didn't budge my average - a 31 seems to have moved me .2 downwards. Although some days I look and play like I should be a hack. Always fun however, regardless of my scores and I am not a stat watcher - I know my weaknesses (it is called teeing off to start with).

    Once again many thanks to the forum contributors whose tips and hints have helped me along the way.

    Now I can at least pretend to make the next step to TL, perhaps I will give myself another 5 years to acheive that unlikely goal.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 11:46 PM

    More one putts and you'll be there by September. :-)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 12:10 AM

    Unless you shoot very low scores it might be awhile till you get promoted... so don't panic

    Once you get your Average down to the low 60's... It gets really tough then... you basically have to break the 30 for your average to drop.

    Good Luck and still have heaps of fun :)


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 12:11 AM

    Good on yer, m8!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 12:27 AM


    Unless you shoot very low scores it might be awhile till you get promoted... so don't panic

    LOL don't I know it, but just knocked out a 27 - if only I had that consistency.

    And C, I spat my coffee when I saw your pearls of wisdom :)

    Cheers Roger and Mkg.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 4:06 AM

    I do not go through other people's stats too much either - I have not even dared check mine after what I am doing in a par 3 tourney (advice of the OP lol) to get enough point's quickly for the R1. I am guessing mine will be a long time recovering, and so V general advice best, to an experienced player like yourself. V much FWIW  - we all gleen the odd snippet here and there if we are open.

    With that in mind TL is possible for us all because I am living proof any one can get to champ greens fun if that's what they want. What I did was stick largely to one general ball type(Nike L81X cream/ closely followed by L35Z suits me). After that yardage chart, then yardage chart adjusted per course even more important........I do not have copious notes, and so that is why I prefer multi plays I think.  I can play it a few times to re-familiarise  myself get a little closer to the pin and shoot a little lower.  Oakmont in our CC I shot x2 30s then a 28 F9. Similarly at Beth I shot a 27 in the WGT (monthly? weekly ? lol) because we are also doing that course in my CC, and that is usually the pattern for me with the time (including note making) I put in - I very seldom play a true practise round. 

    All my calcs are very simple. General percentages for wind / greens...some clubs are more difficult than other's, but (famous last) I think I finally tamed the 8 iron 149 yards @ 85% BS @ 98%...I was frikin close all the time RSG zero winds even that club...I had to play it so many times but got there

    Wedges - I guess you know every exact shot from 5 yard chip through every yard up to 60++.  That is is essential, as you would know, as guessing turns a 3 or 4 foot gimme to a 9 foot should make, and you want as many 29/30s as possible in the bank

    You are an experienced as I say and so putting you know which style suits. For me some days they drop and other's well why bother lol. As you know the good thing about saturation is that it's only one way now, and if I can you sure as hell can:) After that though I do take my hat off to the top player's - I can begin to see how they do it, but the extra hours / notes / better memory and skill lol - awesome!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 5:27 AM

    what I am doing in a par 3 tourney

    Just curious......  is your average changing playing the Par3 course?


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 5:59 AM

    ust curious......  is your average changing playing the Par3 course?

    Headline average no, unaffected.

    Putting average UP, scrambling about same, sand saves way worse.........................Soon some one will question my overall average when they troll through my stats and see I don't look like I can hit a green LOL..................

    It must be remembered though that I really am playing these badly, clicking before aiming at properly, and so?????????????? I don't know.  My dist to the pin is so far not worse having just dared to check and my GIR only down a couple of points..........especially the distance to the pin I do not understand as I am not even changing clubs of the tee, nor aiming with more than a quick miss, no spin adjustment etc lol and obvioulsy lucky to be anything close only sometimes.....

    Mine will end up an extreme example probably but it shows how useless it often is using WGT stats to gauge anything without intimate knowledge of them...Having said all that I don't understand some of the above having put in below hack scores so much........

    Clever WGT...I burn all my old bits and pieces balls at worst happily for me, but WGT can take all that outstanding crap off their balance sheet at worst for them, and I buy a $35 driver...Smart I will say that!

    Needs must though LOL.............