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Re: Some anomalies I've noticed very recently

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:08 PM (7 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 7:32 PM

    2 major things I have not come across before :-  i)  A small wind like 8 - 12 mph against is taking considerable yards off my shots, whereas in the past that sort of wind I would disregard.

    e.g. an 80 yard wedge going only 73 yards. and similar on all other shots.

    In fact I feel that loss of distance into the wind has been ramped up somewhat.

    Sometimes my 5 iron is going 12 - 15 yards short into a gentle breeze.

    ii) Never had putts coming off the putter face in a totally different direction to my aim.

    This is happening on well struck putts more than I like. I know some putts have missed the second it leaves the clubface, not happened to me before.

    Agree anybody ?


  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 7:58 PM

    A small wind like 8 - 12 mph against is taking considerable yards off my shots, whereas in the past that sort of wind I would disregard.

    That sort of wind has always affected shots, especially wedge shots that are way up in the air. If wind hasn't affected your shots in the past, you are in the minority.

    Never had putts coming off the putter face in a totally different direction to my aim.

    This has been happening a LOT in tournaments the last couple months. If you haven't been picked to win a tourney, this is one of the many ways the site uses to make sure you don't.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 8:00 PM

    Its called deviation. Some shots go long , others fall short . The same goes for putts , as well . Its just changes to the game , to make it more of a challenge . From time to time , WGT will tweek the game , to keep us on our toes . Too many players , expect this game to play and deliver perfect shots and rounds . In real golf , there is no such thing , so dont expect that here .Every phase of the game , may throw you a curve . Happy Swinging :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 8:04 PM

    e.g. an 80 yard wedge going only 73 yards. and similar on all other shots

    I went a week with noticing this and couldn't put my finger on it. However I had swapped balls after using starters - both Callys but one does not fly as far - since changing back no problems and usually my didtance is OK. I notice your last two ball purchases are different - this could be why.

    Sometimes I do find putts seem to fly off the face, but not frequently so I can live with that.

    And when I saw the title of the post, I was sure it was on your stats LOL

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 8:36 PM


    And when I saw the title of the post, I was sure it was on your stats LOL

    No, that is coming soon I hope, mega announcement, 


    Maybe a delay 'cos I have visitors and family coming from abroad in the months ahead.

    Play time will be seriously curtailed.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 8:51 PM

    LOL I used to get friends (well amyone you had ever met a a party)  and relatives (sponges) staying when I lived in more exotic climes so good luck - Is that your stress levels rising?

    And try changing the ball - if your yardage is constantly off thats the reason.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 8:52 PM

    Aye, rellies are like fish, they both go off after 3 days

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:08 PM

    LMAO now that is brilliantly put.

    Reminds me of my mother in law visiting when I lived in Hong Kong - I sent her shopping in Sheung Wan saying it was the most authentic shopping in HK - well it is if you like dried fish or preserved snakes. The look on her face coming back was priceless :)

    Edit - a great tip - visit tourist centres, stock up on brochures of attractions, preferably ones far away!