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Re: The Open.

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Sun, Jul 21 2013 6:21 PM (83 replies)
  • dandycap
    1,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 11:11 AM

    Congratulations to Phil, a true hall of famer...   For those in viewing distance you can see live golf today from Edgewood Tahoe, the final round of the American Century Championshp.  I like to play along & when the announcer says great shot, I'm saying ty to the tv even though I drove the ball into the rough.  -- just dandy

  • McCat
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 11:18 AM

    Phil Mickelson is a great champion, a great sportsman and a great gentleman!

    I am proud to have him represent the USA and San Diego, Ca. with such class!

  • JasonNumber100
    2,918 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 2:50 PM

    Congratulations to Phil Mickelson. Wanted  Westwood to win, but if not him it was great to see Phil win it.

    What a superb final round, he went out and won it.  He deserved it. His preparation was ideal. He always comes over for the Scottish Open. A lot of the top American golfers only come over at the last minute, just for the Open.

    Sometimes nice guys do win. Not only is he a great golfer but he seems a thorougly nice chap. He's always smiling, seems like he really enjoys his golf. He is a great ambassador for the game.

    We salute you, Phil.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 6:21 PM

     I don't think Westwood really cares that much if he wins these Majors idk lol. He really don't look like he gives a shyt one way or the other.

    But congrats to trick shot artist Phil. When he ripped that 3 iron into #18 green over them bunkers, it gave me goose pimples I have to admit.

    I have watched Phil for many years and can't remember his swing ever being this good. Hell, he won the Scottish Open last week too! But for a couple bad shots he could have taken the US open as well..