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Re: Cleveland Wedges

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 6 2013 9:12 PM (5 replies)
  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 5:26 PM

    Hey WGT, what did you do to the Cleveland Wedges?  I am not sure it is good or bad but the backspin they used to have isn't there anymore!


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 5:39 PM

    HUH ?

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 6:10 PM


    HUH ?

    check out this thread then if you play Clevelands go try it

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 6:50 PM

    K but nahhh got rid of those wedges because I could not master the Backspin with any ball variation. They were just too inconsistent for me as I played them for many months.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 7:24 PM

    The only time i every use spin on a cleveland wedge is when punching the 64 degree. It will take one hop and stop. When wind is in your face just add 1 yard or so, depending on strength of wind. Usually they will be one yard or less from hole. Also when the grade is several feet up you can add just a little bit of spin. Hope this helps. I use lvl 81 nike ball. Also, chipping, flopping and pitching with full bs is lethal around the greens.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 9:12 PM

    Yeah I agree Lonnie, there are times when I need it but I rarely use it.  I have used these Clevelands for about a year I guess and they were always backspin sensative.  Today, however, I saw a thread that was a discussion about how the backspin was not the same so I played a few holes on Merion where I know I have to use the 100 yard and the 80 yard Cleveland on the approach.  In both cases I applied a bit more than half of the back spin and the ball took one hop back about a foot and stopped.  Previously, a half of the backspin would have rolled it off the green.  As I say, I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing yet.  I am just curious as to why the physics of the club have changed, or seem to have changed.