Hello sometimes when you play the player waits till the clock hits 1 second on a 90 sec clock.So I say have no clock and maybe the idiot will hit the ball quicker.Because he wont be a Moron and Milk the clock thank you.God Bless
Have you thought this through?
You just can't make this stuff up...
Well I for one like the idea, it would mean that mid-round I could get the shopping done and have a couple of beers on the way back, and still get to finish the round upon my return ;)
courteneyfish: Have you thought this through?
Yes i have thot it threw yesterday played in a foursome.The guy every shot hit on 1 second left. People started dropping like fly's not me im a golfer i put up wit the guy it was hard to do but i made it.
This thread better get more mocking than mine.
MichaelStroke: This thread better get more mocking than mine.
Give the guy a break , you all remember your first beer.....
You may have thought it through but your thought process leaves a little to be desired. Think about this scenario. A couple of years ago I was playing a match play round with a friend in the CC I belong to. I had worked 12 straight 12+ hour days and had been up going on 24 hours after getting my first day off in almost 2 weeks. On the 14th hole I fell asleep and slept through the warning and penalties until I was DQ'ed. With no clock that couldn't happen. The game would be stuck until the guy woke up or the other player or players quit.
Has anybody ever looked the create game menu there is a shot clock timer 30sec-45-60-90.even if u join 1 it tells you the shot clock timer, I wish people would just look at things before jumping in head first, get real people.Good Day
bluzgolf:Give the guy a break , you all remember your first beer.....
ermm nope I was only told about it by my mates the next day...