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Re: Swing meter

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 13 2013 5:54 PM (1 replies)
  • RMartin6
    146 Posts
    Sat, Jul 13 2013 2:40 PM

    The last few days the swing meter has had me all over the place it speeds up, it slows down, it doesn't stop when I swing it runs on then swings...this is bull...whats up...fix this glitch


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jul 13 2013 5:54 PM

    Firstly you do nor say which meter you are using. Also many players who use Chrome are having meter problems, due to the pepper flash I believe.

    So may be worth trying another browser to see if that alleviates the problem.

    But before you do that, get rid of the nasty EZ Swing Wedge - good meter or bad meter, that club will prevent you from scoring well.