I know I shouldn't be there in the first place but when I am kills my whole round. Especially 50% lie and up. Tried most clubs, punch, nothing seems to go more than 15-20 yards.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
westie37: nothing seems to go more than 15-20 yards.
In these cases you'll have to take the pill, play short and work for bogey rather than birdie.
Thanks for the reply although many times no place to go within 15 yards. Don't know what IMHO means though.
westie37: Thanks for the reply although many times no place to go within 15 yards. Don't know what IMHO means though.
IMHO = In My Humble or Honest Opinion
The best way I found to deal with weeds is to never hit a ball there which is why I have never even had to hit a ball out of weeds since every game I play I am so accurate.
Thanks. Guess you can tell I don't text or tweet.
You should do an instructional video. You could call it "Weedless on the WGT"