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Re: Why Are Blitz Games Scored So High?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 22 2013 8:04 AM (3 replies)
  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 4:50 AM

    Whats the significance?


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 5:42 AM

    I can't tell why, but there are rules (see FAQ =>)
    which allow high scores, and there is an award showing the individual max score.

    Is that significant to your very vage question?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 1:11 PM


    that's just how score works.


    10000 points for perfect hio and then subtracted based on distance. then there are additional bonuses for streaks, hitting pin, etc. once they all stack --> you have such high scores.


  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 8:04 AM



    that's just how score works.


    10000 points for perfect hio and then subtracted based on distance. then there are additional bonuses for streaks, hitting pin, etc. once they all stack --> you have such high scores.


