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Re: Putting when unable to Ding

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 19 2013 2:48 PM (9 replies)
  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:11 AM

    Need some putting advice.

    My internet speed appears to be too slow (1.2 MBPS down / 432 KBPS up)  to get a “ding” either that or it is due to age or other infirmities…

    Up until Tour Master I was always able to aim a little further to the left then the breaks called for to compensate for hitting a tad late. Using this method I could sink a good number of putts from 20 feet or less.

    Currently, the same strategy (does not matter the green speed) no longer works.  Now a 2.5 foot putt that I sink is a major accomplishment.  Putts tend to look fine but at the last second move right or left or just stop even when hit with extra power. One round I recently completed my longest putt made was 1.6 feet and the average put was 0.54 feet…

    Below is a swing meter that I painted which represents the three alternatives I have with a 95% confidence level that the putt will fall within. It should be noted I have tried using slow meter balls (Cally I(z), and slower putters (the Versa) and the same results occur.

    Green is if I try to hit the “ding” 95% of the time my actual will fall within the area in green.

    Yellow is if I try to hit early – 95% of the time the actual result will be somewhere in the yellow area.

    Red is where I try to hit late – again 95% of my attempts to hit late will fall in this area.



    So – to those of you that may have similar slow internet speeds – is there a solution to my new problem?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:21 AM

    My internet speed appears to be too slow (1.2 MBPS down / 432 KBPS up)  to get a “ding” either that or it is due to age or other infirmities…

    Your internet speed has nothing to do with your meter speed. If you want to prove this to yourself, the next time you have a putt unplug your internet connection. You will still be able to make the putter swing. The game won't continue until you plug your connection back in.

    Something that might help get you tuned back in would be to switch to the starter ball for a few putts, maybe a round or two. Then when you get back to your normal ball you basically will have reset your swing.  :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:25 AM

    Using Chrome browser? Search for "disable Pepperflash" =>

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:39 AM

    I do not use Chrome

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:43 AM

    You can download this tiny program to help sort and speed up your Internet speed.

    Click on the (recommended) mirror.

    Here's a video to guide you along.

  • Bycracky
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 8:55 AM

    that mete

    r problem cost me 160 dollars last month alone


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 9:45 AM


    Up until Tour Master I was always able to aim a little further to the left then the breaks called for to compensate for hitting a tad late. Using this method I could sink a good number of putts from 20 feet or less.

    Currently, the same strategy (does not matter the green speed) no longer works. 

    I meant to mention this above -- you can't putt the same way going from Master to TM. I saw you turned TM recently and the greens are faster. Your method of missing the ding to steer the putt is used by many but the speed of the green is what's probably causing you troubles. You have to adjust how much you miss by now. You may be hitting too hard through breaks because of the faster greens. Back off the power you've been using and see what happens.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 10:28 AM

    Richard: Thanks for the video about optimizing Internet speed - quite frankly I did not understand a thing they were saying though. :-)

    Jim: I should have mentioned that I played a lot of Tourney greens and could make a decent number of putts as a Tour Pro and Master on Tourney greens. So I am pretty sure it is not the "change" in green speed. In fact I can log in as my wife (a Tour Pro) and play a practice round as her on Tourney speed greens and sink putts that I just cannot when playing me as a Tour Master.

    Of course the Virtual Equipment Model may be working against me as part of the patent says the model looks to see if there has been an improvement in player ability and if here has the "sweet spot" of the player's equipment is made smaller - of course if that is the case AND moving up to Tour Master is a break point in player ability, when the best I can do is the green area in the picture above things may never improve.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 11:00 AM

    In fact I can log in as my wife (a Tour Pro) and play a practice round as her on Tourney speed greens and sink putts that I just cannot when playing me as a Tour Master.

    Just to be clear, Ed, Tour Pro and Master greens are the same speed called Very Fast. TM greens are faster and called Tournament. Legends also putt on Tournament greens but they are faster than the TM version. WGT uses this guide.

    When you use your wife's player (a no-no, btw) you're putting on her green speeds which are the ones you were used to as a Master. 

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 2:48 PM


    In fact I can log in as my wife (a Tour Pro) and play a practice round as her on Tourney speed greens and sink putts that I just cannot when playing me as a Tour Master.

    Just to be clear, Ed, Tour Pro and Master greens are the same speed called Very Fast. TM greens are faster and called Tournament. Legends also putt on Tournament greens but they are faster than the TM version. WGT uses this guide.

    When you use your wife's player (a no-no, btw) you're putting on her green speeds which are the ones you were used to as a Master. 


    Let me try to be even clearer - I have played many a game on TOURNEY green speed. I play in CC tourneys and Alt-Shot with Legends and Tour Masters all the time.

    The reference above was when I play my wife's avatar ON TOURNEY SPEED GREENS I can make putts that are impossible for me playing mine. This is on the same computer using the same balls an missing the ding by the same amount.

    So unless you are saying that when a Tour Pro or Master plays  a practice round or a CC Tourney set up for Tourney greens or Alt Shot with a TM or Legend on Tourney speed greens the greens are NOT REALLY Tourney speed greens - the comment is not really relevant to what I was asking.

    ON EDIT: I do not miss the ding to steer the put - the colors above in the picture are what they say they are. If I try to hit the ding 95% of the time I end up in the green area. That is true on rives, approaches and putts. In 7 months of playing I have heard the "Ding" less than 100 times.

    The green area is THE CLOSEST I can get to a ding with any level of confidence. Therefore if I try to click  millisecond earlier I end up in the yellow area.

    Yes it is a pain in the (you now what) to aim 30 yards left off the left edge of the fairway on St Andys or RSG just to try to keep it on the right side of the fairway when you have a 20 mph left to right crosswind. BUT at least  that works often enough.

    On approach shots I left of the pin even when winds are going right to left as the 95% confidence level is I will hit in the green area.

    I will post that picture again.

    Those still seem to still work. 

    Putting not anywhere close.