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Re: Iron set -advice

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Tue, Jul 23 2013 12:53 AM (15 replies)
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  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 9:07 PM

    Ok, so before i buy my iron set just want to read last minute opinions.

    Between G20 steel 59+

    and tour preffered iron set steel lvl63+

    tour preferred - med trajectory, precision: 3 balls forgiveness: 2.5balls. Spin 3.5balls cost:1200cr.


    G20 - high trajecotry. Precision: 3.5 balls, forgiveness 2.5balls spin:3balls cost 2195.

    Apparently trajectory is the ice breaker as it seems. But id like to hear some last minute opinions.  If you think there are other better iron sets please mention, im currently LVL 63

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 9:40 PM

    G20 59s.....all day

  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 10:12 PM

    how about max precision iron set? 3k..

    not worth it? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 10:21 PM


    how about max precision iron set? 3k..

    not worth it? 

    The Max clubs have such a fast meter that you'd have to buy the most expensive balls to slow them down. Then of course the meter on your other clubs would be too slow.

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 12:31 AM
    Here's another tip: With my G20 level 59 irons I can play the WGT ES balls with one dot of spin. They are only 10 credits a sleeve; but the meter on the irons are not so fast that I can play them without a racing meter. Very hard to find an iron set near your level that you can do that with. I've tried them with the R11 irons and have to be quick on the draw just to ding them. So when you are low on credits or playing on days when the meter is extremely fast or stutters' you will still be able to hit them. Worth every red cent; and will never sell them back. And they do lean towards High trajectory even though they are Med/High
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 12:53 AM


    G20 59s.....all day

    +1 do not look elsewhere!

    Edit  - never looked at date.  You already have em...Good choice:)


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