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Re: Average handicap with legend

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Mon, Jul 29 2013 2:55 PM (4 replies)
  • astaquana
    5 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 2:48 AM

    Hi, Could someone explain me how you lower your handicap when your are legend. I am 67.76 and when for example i make 30 it lowers me 0.1. It will take years to go 60!! How some of player are under 60! Thanks for enlightened me

    Have a good day

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 9:18 PM

    Hi, you are up around 80+ rounds as legend so a round that is significantly better than your avg. of 67, like a 60 will not change it much. 

    After a year it looks like you are still under 100 rounds as legend...  to put this in perspective, many players do 100 ranked rounds in less than a month or faster.  I am certainly not one of them. 

    So it depends on your expectations:  do you want to step it up and play 2, 3 or 4 ranked rounds a day to bring down your avg. rapidly, and reach the 500 round mark where lowest scores are thrown out to lower avg. even faster?

    Or maybe you are comfortable at the current rate of play and are happy that eventually you'll get there.  It's all about enjoying the ride either way.   -Keith

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 10:44 PM


    Another point of interest is that it's not about lowering the 67 average by 33s (=66) but eventually to arrive at a status with 500 (best) rounds forming the desired 60 average, if Tour Legend is the goal.

    To play around 100 rounds per year will

    - result in a long time to achieve this, and

    - prohibit skill progression, which may be an inevitable precondition.

    I full-heartedly agree: Enjoy the ride - it's about "fun now"!!

  • astaquana
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 1:20 PM

    Thanks guy for answer. As you said it is just for fun


    have a good day

  • ascoile
    7 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2013 2:55 PM

    I guess your first round after becoming Legend was 34 for 9 holes.

    If you had waited and played only practice rounds to get used to Legend tees and putting, then shot a 29 in your first ranked round, you would be a 58 Legend.