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make a better way to forfeit the game

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 28 2013 6:33 PM (0 replies)
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jul 28 2013 6:33 PM

    put a forfeit button in plain view on the game window for everyone to see that can be clicked on at anytime during the game.
    The way it is now, to forfeit the game, during the game, a player has to wait for his or her turn to hit there ball, then they have to click menu, then click forfeit. And most players i found, do not know how to do this, they want to quit the game as soon as they do something wrong on a shot or what ever, so they just click on there red "X" button at the top to the right of there game window. So PLEASE,
    Put a Forfeit button right on the game window for everyone to see and be able to click on it at anytime.